Author Topic: Please help... sleep problems now at 18 months  (Read 618 times)

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Please help... sleep problems now at 18 months
« on: September 19, 2012, 00:26:26 am »
I posted about this about 1.5 months ago but I'm still having trouble and feel like it is only getting worse.

My 19 month old was a great sleeper from very early on... both for naps and at night time we could just put her in her crib say good night and leave and she went to sleep.  In early Aug. my husband and I took a trip for the long weekend and left her with my parents.  Ever since then, I am not able to put her to sleep the same way.  We started by pretending to fall asleep beside her and slowly moving away... for the past few weeks we have been managing by standing outside the door where she can see me... but this can sometimes take 0.5 hour or more until she is fully asleep and stops looking up to see if I am there.  lately I tried closing the door almost all the way and "shhh"ing her and/or saying "time to sleep"... this worked a little during naps but not at night.  Tonight was just crazy - she would cry and cry even though we were there telling her to go to sleep, eventually even opening the door didn't even help and I had to go right beside her.  This is getting quite crazy for me and I want things to go back to the way they were.

The other thing I should add is that she only does this with me... with my husband, or at daycare, or even a couple of times we left her with her other grandparents and she went to sleep just fine.  But if I'm around she won't be so easy.

Is there anything I can do besides letting her cry it out??  I really don't want to go this route but my husband feels this is the only choice. 

What should I do?? any advice would be appreciated!!