Hi, not sure if this is the right place for this so please move if not!
My 8 week old DD2 is fab, really pleased with how easy EASY has been with her. It helps that she's great at self settling (DD1 was a nightmare!)
At night we put her to bed at 7pm with a bottle at 6.45pm (typically she drinks 3-4oz). I then give her a dreamfeed at 10.30-10.45 (she drinks 6oz) and she sleeps until 5am, which is amazing.
At 5am I just give her a 3oz bottle to keep her going til the 'morning' which is usually between 7-7.30 (when DD1 gets up).
But the last few days she has not been interested in her morning bottle, she's been drinking only 3oz - compared to the 4-5oz during the rest of the day.
I'm thinking she maybe doesn't really need the 5am bottle and its that which is affecting her 7am feed?
How do I go about cutting out that 5am feed without upsetting her?
I thought perhaps I could very gradually reduce the amount of formula, so still use 3oz of water but only put in 2.5 scoops and then every few days reduce it further - is this likely to make a difference?
The hope being that she will then take more at 7am.
Any advice would be greatly received