Our daughter is 7 months old and the dream feed has been great - until now! Over the last week or so we've been offering the DF between 9-9:30PM. The trouble is she's not always hungry at that point and will sometimes refuse the bottle. As a result, she wakes in the early AM hours (12AM-3AM) hungry and we've fed her overnight more in the last week than the previous 2 months. We're having a hard time seeing how we're ever going to get rid of this feed!! We need some ideas on how to wean- the book makes it sound so simple but it's easier said than done to just add more ounces to her feeds. Here is her "normal" eating schedule:
7AM - bottle ~5ozs
8AM - solids ~2ozs
11AM - bottle ~5ozs
12PM - solids ~2ozs
3PM - bottle ~5ozs
4PM - solids ~2ozs
6-7PM (depending on catnap or not) - bottle 5-8ozs
She's a big girl (20lbs, 29inches) so we know she's getting enough food! Thanks for any ideas!