Hi all,
My 5wk old DD has been on EASY since birth and feeds well, she takes 4oz every feed, from 7am to 4pm. We have then been cluster feeding at 6pm, 8pm and DF at 10.30pm.
The last 3days she has taken her usual 3oz at 6pm but has then been sick and brought the entire feed back up! Only this feed, she is in perfect health and is not upset or bothered by the sickness so I don't think she is unwell.
I think she is ditching the cluster feeding herself, smart kid! Lol. I'm now confused about what to do though in terms of her evening feeding.
Do we now go for a standard 3hr EASY 7am to 7pm and DF at 10.30pm as usual? That is one less feed though, she is only 5wks, is that ok this early?
She sleeps from 8pm till 2.30am (with a DF) and then to 6.30am ish. Will I wreck this by combining the cluster feeds this early?
Thanks for any advice.