He had been showing some signs of allergy, though we haven't gotten him tested. We thought it would be worth it to try a hypoallergenic formula, so he's on Alimentum. The doctor said if his stomach seems to agree with it better, we should keep him on it for a while.
As for reflux, I'm not so sure. He hardly spits up. He doesn't seem uncomfortable after feeds. He has the occasional bouts of discomfort, where we can't figure out what it is. It's like he has a hard time breathing, and he sprays a few drops of formula out of his nose and arches his back in pain. That makes me think it's reflux.
We had the most horrendous experience with our DD's loss of appetite once put on meds for reflux. We tried all sorts of dosages, meds, formulas, but she was deemed failure to thrive eventually, and having a feeding tube inserted down through her nose. She still failed to gain much..cuz she would throw it all up. Today she is still below the 3rd percentile. I was a 100% sure she had reflux unlike DS, and I'm sure she did at one point, but once all sorts of investigations and tests were done, they said nothing was wrong with her.
I don't know if I wanna put DS and ourselves through all that. I just keep hoping it's something simple, like a teat size. I've tried changing it twice but he after a bit of trouble he stops taking the bottle altogether. His intake didn't increase either. I'm at my wits end.