So, here's what happened:
I started with normal formula last Monday. Everything was fine until Friday, when things took a bad turn. He started his horrendous NWs again! It was very sudden, like one night he had one NW (as he's had for a few months now) and then the other night he started waking up every hour screaming in pain at the first few NWs, and then just rolling around, tossing and turning for an hr or more, not being able to resettle...
I'm a bit baffled here, because 2 things coincided and I just don't know what's the real cause of this - and it may well be that it's a mixture of both...
Just brainstorming here, please help me - my brain isn't functioning right from sleep deprivation...
So, it could be that he reacted to the new formula, although someone said it should be around 2 wks when the intolerance rears it's ugly head....
Or, it's the teething again... We lost his amber anklet, plus he's a very slow teether (takes about 6 wks for a new tooth to cut). Today the 4th bottom front tooth had finally cut through, but some of the molars might be on the move, too...
And yet again, even when I medicated (gave Nurofen), he was still up every hr, so it had no effect at all!
Well, I went back to the old HAF and will continue medicating. What do you think? Am I on the right track here?