DS (12 weeks)) has been having some feeding issues for a while, so his EASY has been all over the place. Up until last week he was only taking around 18oz in 24 hours. Last week he went down to eating 3oz every 2 hours, which increased his intake to 22-24. This week has been better. He's taking between 4-5oz every 3 hours and averaging around 28 oz a day (a growth spurt perhaps?) The last day or two, he has started fighting the bottle again, and today it's worse. He never seems hungry in the morning or right after a nap unless he wakes to eat at night. Because he's not hungry when he first wakes up, he has his activity first and then he eats before his nap, but at times he's too sleepy to finish his bottle by the time he actually gets hungry. It's so frustrating!
This is the closest to the 3-hour easy (more like AESY) I got in the last few days:
A: 7am. I wake him, but he shows no signs of hunger. Happily plays and smiles.
E: Between 7:30-8:30am (after trying various times), he takes between 3-5oz
S: 8:45am. Mostly he wakes up after the 45 min mark. Goes back to sleep by himself usually, but sometimes can't sleep. I leave him in the crib unless he starts crying.
A: 10am
E: 11am - 4.5oz
S: 11:30am
A: 1pm
E: 2pm - 4.5oz
S: 2:30pm
A: 4pm
E: 5pm - 4.5oz
S: 30-40 min catnap between 6-7
Bedtime routine: 7:30pm
E: 8pm - 4.5 oz
S: 8:15pm
DF (or sometimes wakes up himself): 11pm - 5 oz (Before this week, he wouldn't dream feed at all.)
Wakes up around 4am to take a feed. 4.5 oz
Today I only gave him 3oz at the 4am feed hoping he'd eat at 7am, so we could have a proper EASY with bedtime at 7 to coincide with my 3-year old. Today he had 1.5oz at 7:30am, and then refused to eat. At 10:30am he seemed hungry again, so I made a 5oz bottle, but he only took 3oz and started fighting it.
I'm hating my mornings because I feel like I'm sitting around with a bottle waiting for him to eat. The whole day gets messed up because of A being before E, and then E being taken over by S cuz he's too sleepy to eat. For 3 weeks, he slept through the night, but even then he wouldn't be hungry for a whole 4oz bottle in the morning. He was almost 75th percentile at birth, and at his last check up, he was between 10th and 25th percentile.
I know there are multiple issues mentioned in my post, so I really hope someone can help with at least a few of them.