help! DS turned 2 at the end of August -- he has been sleeping so well, but things have gone to pot. He hasn't been much of a napper, but always gives good nights - usually 12 hours. Our routine has been:
7-7:30 awake
12:30-1 ish down for nap -- usually sleeps 1.15 hours, sometimes longer depending on days activities. almost always up by 2 PM
7-7:30 sleep for the night.
sometimes he'll hang out in his bed and talk to himself before going to sleep -- never has been a problem. but lately he is GRUMPY!! some nights he will fall asleep at 7:30, the wake up at 9 and be awake for 2 hours. trouble with his excellent language skills, he starts asking for a drink, or for help with his blanket....seems are we dropping the nap at age 2!?
I have friends who's kids sleep for 2-3 hours still and are older! I try not to compare. anyone in a similar situation?
so are working on our molars. ug. so I have been medicating.