I have posted a few times over the last few weeks for various reasons and had great advice! Here i go again!My nine week old is in a good routine in the day feeds 7,10,1,4,7 and then maybe 10 or 11 sometimes df other times he wakes( about 2 oz at df). During the day about 4/5 oz at each feed.
Sleeps are ok during the day, he does wake after a half hour in the day, but getting better to resettle as was prob ot, anyway its at night he is so not settling.
He will feed at 10 or 11, then maybe wake at 1 crying try resettle, then at 2 ish genrally i will give him a bottle 3 oz maybe and he falls asleep, maybe wake at 3.30 for another 1 or 2. Then maybe every hour or two untill i feed him again at 5 ish, then may sleep untill 6/7am. Do i feed him all the time he wakes up, or should i stretch him out? He will not sleep for a good stretch 3/4 hours at night, not sure what to do at this stage. when he wakes i give him soother, try shush pat, he is swaddled, i dont turn on the lights etc. I have a 20month old and she was a great sleeper at this stage 5/6 hours, i know i should not compare.
Please help any advice would help!