Hello all
I'm just after a bit of advice re dropping to 3 bottles.
Current easy looks like this
E - 7am
Breakfast - 8.30am
S - 10 - 11.30am
E - Bottle 11.30/11.45
Lunch - 12.30
E - Bottle - 2.15
S - 2.30pm - 4pm
Dinner - 5/5.30
Bottle - 7pm
As you can see i seem to spend most of the lunchtime activity time either giving a bottle or giving solids. I moved the 4pm bottle to before her afternoon nap as if i give her a bottle at 4pm, she is then not interested in dinner or bedtime bottle.
I'm just not sure if i should drop to 3 yet as she takes about 4ozs at 11.30 one and then sometimes up to 7oz at the 2.15 one. She doesnt seem overally bothered by the 11.30 one. As she still takes some @ 11.30 i'm confused about dropping it as everything i read suggests that you drop a bottle when they lose interest or outright refuse it?
I hope the above makes sense!?!
thanks in advance!