Author Topic: Hardly eats meat, should I worry?  (Read 4585 times)

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Re: Hardly eats meat, should I worry?
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2012, 21:10:35 pm »
Ooh they do sound yummy thanks, will also try them as DD loves chickpeas in soups, stews, etc oh and hummus is her favourite. Thanks so much for the reassurance ladies, glad to know it is nothing to be concerned about and your tips are great.

DD does love spag bol and curries, chili, etc. I always make my own from scratch so I know there is lots of goodness in them and she will eat meat that is minced/ground like that no probs. It is just if it is larger chunks she spits them out. So will keep offering and see how things progress. Thanks again for all the tips.

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Re: Hardly eats meat, should I worry?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2012, 07:27:09 am »
she will eat meat that is minced/ground like that no probs
Wish my DS would eat minced meat like that.  He can some how manage to avoid it even mixed through pasta.  If there is a miniscule amount trapped inside a pasta shell he will eat it but other wise it's avoided.  He'll eat 'fresh' ravioli from the supermarket with meat secretly trapped inside but I class that as processed food (not home made) so only use it very rarely and I really don't have the time or patience to be making home made pasta.  I think your DD is doing really well to eat such a variety of flavours with the minced meat, curry, spag bol etc.

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Re: Hardly eats meat, should I worry?
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2012, 07:37:14 am »
Have you tried stewed meat?  If it's a textural thing as stewed meat is much softer it might be easier?  Also cutting roasted meat really thin. 

As others have said, eating minced meat is no bad thing especially if you're making things with it yourself.  You could also try mini meatloaves, mini meatballs and stuff like that as it's still made with minced meat it might be a hit. 

Let me know if you need any recipes.
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