Thanks ladies.
My pattern was always to offer milk on waking, then food an hour later. Worked for a while but she's gradually lost interest in the milk. She generally wakes from her 1st nap at around 11am. I used to offer the bottle then, but as I said, she lost interest and won't take it at all at nursery. As nursery have lunch at 11:30 we decided to swap milk and food around in that instance (the 11:30 lunch is the only time-tabled event - they're very good at following your routine otherwise - think its just v difficult for them logistically to stagger all the babies lunches.)
Maybe the sippy cup route will help...
It's the BT bottle that really gets me the most. Tried giving her a catnap between 5-5:30 yesterday to see if that would help the tiredness/unwillingness at BT issue - but still no dice. However, she slept through from 8:15pm to 7:15am last night - despite only taking approx 300mls/10oz all day - yay!!! I do try and add yoghurts/custard/cheese/rice-pudding to up her calcium intake - so perhaps I should just relax a bit and accept she's not a 'milk- lover'?