Morning Other Super Mummies
My LO is almost 6 months old and from reading lots of the posts, so much can be going on with them right now! Hubby and I have been battleing EW for what seems like forever but I just don't feel like I am getting anywhere and along with the 5:30ish get ups he has been waking at 3ish and then every 45-1hr after that. This morning he woke at 5:45 which can you believe is an improvement
He does have a dummy, which I am happy for him to have. He is also swaddled which I want to wean but we are heading on holiday next week and going to wait until after that. Not fighting that too much anyway.
I have been working on extending his A times as I think he may be on the road to the 3-2 transition, one of the wonderful moderators suggested this too in my last our day pretty much looks like this at the moment.
Awake: 5:30am ( try never to get him up before 6:30/6:45, mostly happy to just lie and talk etc)
Eat: 7:00 - never feed earlier as trying not to promote early get ups. He handles this ok, never been a super hungry boy in am.
Sleep: 8:30am - again never earlier
Usually sleeps 2 hrs
Eat: 11:00
Solids: 12:30 - just started this one a 2 days ago
Sleep: 12:50 (upto 2hr20min A time)
Usually sleeps 1.5/2hrs
Eat: 3:00
Sleep: 5:00-5:05 (upto 2hr15min A time) ...30 min catnap
Solids: 6ish
Bath, Bottle and Bed around 7:30 (2hr A time)
Just writing this it sounds like a long day doesn't it? Maybe too much sleep during the day? I feel that his A time is not enough for me to drop catnap yet? Are 2 hrs too long for him to sleep during he day? I always, always have to wake him during the day, rarely wakes on his own.
His first sleep is at 8:30...which is generally an 3hr A time, should I be slowly increasing this as well to try and stop EW? Where do I stop...guess it would be my ideal first sleep time?
Sorry so many questions
Not really sure what to do...the only thing I can think of is to shorten his naps to 1.45 and then again to 1.5 hrs while increasing A time?
Any thoughts would be wonderful