So my 8 wo DD is on a 2-3 hours EASY and falls asleep independently for her naps (for the last week or two). She takes about 4-5 naps per day, as the morning is 2 hours, but the others can be only 1 hour. But she's always had a fussy time in the evening. She started just falling asleep at the breast and I would lay her in her crib asleep and she'd stay asleep for several hours. She currently wakes usually once (sometimes twice) a night. But I often now intentionally BF her to sleep only when she's going down for the night. I don't mind it now, esp b/c it's more pleasant for me than standing over her crib trying shush pat (which makes her madder). But I do keep in mind Tracey's advice to proceed as you mean to go on, and I was quite faithful with independent sleep when DS was small. But I didn't have to do that much training to get her to sleep independently for naps - I just kind of waited until she was older and she seemed to do it on her own. Before that, I would often AP for naps. So I'm wondering if she'll do the same at night in the next few months as she gets better at soothing herself. She's comforted by sucking, so maybe she will find her thumb like DS did when he was 3 mo. What do you think? Am I going to seriously regret this or should I just relax?