Hi all,
DS is 16 months and will not eat solids. I've given him a lonnnng list of finger foods and he will rarely put anything in his mouth. If he does, he will munch on it for a few seconds and then spit it out. I have even found chewed up raisins behind the couch when I thought he had eaten them! I've been feeding him pureed foods as I know he must be hungry and I don't want him to not sleep well due to hunger. Should I be concerned? I thought by now he wouldn't be eating ANY purees. He's having milk morning and night, between 12 - 15 ounces per day. He's teething, but when are they not?! He's working on the 16th tooth right now. All we'll have left are those back molars.
Please help! Any ideas? I'm stressing!
Some things I've already tried offering:
steamed veg
raw veg
all different kinds of fruits
grilled cheese sandwich
dried cranberries, cherries, blueberries
peanut butter toast
scrambled eggs