I'm posting on getting back on track at the moment too but didn't think it was relevant in that area.
My LO is having 3 meals a day, still not sttn so giving bottles at night but she isn't so untreated in her bottles during the day. I'm wondering what bottles I should drop and when?
My normal easy is a bit like this although going through teething and ill was at the moment so some early wakings and night wakings too.
A - 6am
E - bottle at 7am won't take when first wakes up as not hungry or interested. Only takes about 3/4oz
E - 8am breakfast cereal/porridge and toast as finger food
S - 8.45am (varies 1/2 - 1 1/2, she never use to take naps just wouldn't sleep but Anna in geti g back on track has been helping me with this)
E - 11am bottle 3/4 sometimes 5oz
E - 12pm lunch sandwich or finger food breadsticks, rice cakes etc
A -
S - 1.45pm 1/2 - 1hr
E - 3pm bottle 4/5oz
E - 4.30pm dinner something hot normally, roast, cottage pie etc.
Bath time 6pm
E - bottle 6.20/6.30pm 5 - 8oz can vary from day to day (use to always be 8oz before bed)
S - bed 6.45/7pm
E - dream feed 10pm 7oz although sometimes she wake before so not so much a dream feed
E - 3am bottle 6oz trying to push this back but sometimes will not stop crying until she has her bottle and then goes straight back off.
Wake up 6am.
She drinks more at night and evening than during the day so not sure what bottles to drop. Want to drop night feeds but still takes full bottles yet during the day not very interested in her bottles. I know I can drop so e bottles but just don't know which ones I should and don't want to drop daytime ones if she's going wake hungrier at night.
Any ideas would be great thanks.