Author Topic: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.  (Read 6075 times)

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Offline katie80

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We are in such a mess (all of us, the whole family, LOL, not really).  Ok, you can see I'm tired, I can't even type a proper message. :P

DS is 15mo, still on two naps (30min CN, 1.5-2hr pm nap), and cutting is last molar and top two eye teeth.  We travelled two weekends ago to visit ILs and that's kinda where the trouble started.  On the way home he took a 1:45hr nap and then I didn't get him down for a pm CN.  My mom was watched him that evening, but also couldn't get him down (has never happened to her) for EBT.  So, starting then he was a bit OT.  Tried to catch up for a couple days and I was also trying to push him out for the end of DST, but I think that was too much at once.  On Halloween he was up a bit late again, and the EW started.  So, for two mornings before the time change, he was up at 5:30-5:45. And of course on Sat, he did a short pm nap of 1hr (teeth, I think because nothing else was different) and we had a birthday party for our niece that afternoon, so couldn't do much of an EBT (not that I really wanted to anyway).  So, for the last 3 mornings we've been up from 4:20-4:45 (I've gotten him to doze a bit by BFing him and holding him, but the minute I go to lay him back down he wakes like it's morning).  Also, his naps have dwindled to 30min in the morning and only 1-1:10 in the afternoon. Nights are about 10-10.25hr.

Today is the worst, as he fell asleep on the way to drop DD off at preschool at 8:20am!  I let him sleep 40min before our mom's group at church.  Then, we went to vote and he fell asleep on the way home again at 11:55am and slept 30min.  So, I'm going to try to take him for another drive at about 3 and hope for I don't know what.  I was thinking an hour and put him down for 7pm, which is a terribly long day, but in the hopes of 10-10.5hr, then we'll be at 5-5:30, which is progress. ::)  Or do only 30min again and put him down for 6:30. ???  Either way, I'm not expecting much and will likely be back in the same hole in the morning. 

We don't really have anything for the rest of the week, so I need a plan to get him out!  His routine before this looked like...

W 6:30 am
S 10-10:30 am
S 1:30-3 or 3:30 pm
BT 7-7:30 pm

Can I let him do 45min in the morning and then a bit longer A in between to try to catch him up or what?   Something like...

W 4:45-5 am
S 9-9:45 am
S 1-2:30 or 3 pm
BT 6:30 pm

I really have no clue. :-\. With Claire, I would AP her an hr in the morning an hr in the afternoon and she would right herself after a few days.  I've never been in this position with Graham and obviously nothing is working yet.

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 21:55:53 pm »
Hi Katie, ugh  :P (Hugs) Hun. It just takes one bad thing to springboard off and then it gets on a roll sometimes  ::). I have BTDT with Sam and 4.30 WU's. He was still on 2 naps at the time and he would not EVER go back over even though I tried to treat it like a NW so I was able to do this to get him out of the loop.

WU 4.30

Nap 6.30 to 7.15

I was able to get him down for a nap as early as 2 to 2.5 hours after WU because he was hanging  :P due to short nights and OT. Then after the above I treat 7.15 as if it were his WU time and carried on the day as we usually would have. Of course you'll probably worry that as 4.30 is actually the WU time then the day will be crazy long. But for us it worked and it got us to a good BT which in turn got us to a good WU time which on day 2 went past 4.30 to around 6 am, so it worked really quickly. I always remember this incident because I did it off my own back without any advise so I was super chuffed it worked LOL  ::)

I hope it can work for you too  :-\.

WRT your suggested routine, it looks okay to me Hun as long as when really OT he will manage 3.15 to the 2nd nap after only 45 mins  ??? if not you may get 2nd nap refusal which would leave you 'Up s**t creek without a paddle'  :-\ KWIM  ??? You know him best  ;)

« Last Edit: November 06, 2012, 21:57:28 pm by Sammysmammy »

Offline becj86

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2012, 07:21:56 am »
Hugs xx No BTDT really... except when I did one nap and a super EBT - shifts the EW so early it has to be a NW. You know I'm a fan but as Vicki says, you know G best :)

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2012, 08:06:11 am »
for us the key in these situations...and we have been in them a lot (!!) is to keep the day to 13 hours MAX so really if he is up at 5am then BT for 6pm.

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 08:13:50 am »
for us the key in these situations...and we have been in them a lot (!!) is to keep the day to 13 hours MAX so really if he is up at 5am then BT for 6pm.

This is what I would usually say too Becky, but with the 4.30 WU's it's so darn early we would get stuck with a 5.30 BT and another 4.30 WU, so something had to give YK  ::) There was no tacking going on at that time.


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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2012, 08:28:46 am »
well yes.....M does not tack terribly well, I guess it is a judgement call based on what your lo can handle. I have my mod hat on so that is what I would suggest BUT we don;t do BT earlier than 6pm for just the reason you describe.

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2012, 08:35:42 am »
LOL, I want a hat!  ;) It worked for Sam, so what can I say. There's always a risk it will seriously back fire for someone else, as with everything  :-X LOL.


Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2012, 14:30:24 pm »
LOL, I want a hat! 
ha ha, it is seriously 'off' when it comes to my own baby, that's for sure!

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2012, 19:06:11 pm »
ha ha, it is seriously 'off' when it comes to my own baby, that's for sure!

Hmm I hear you Sister!  ;)

How is it going Katie  ??? any joy  ???


Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2012, 20:47:33 pm »
Thanks for your replies, ladies. :-*

I always remember this incident because I did it off my own back without any advise so I was super chuffed it worked LOL  ::)
Ha, I love it when that happens! ;D

except when I did one nap and a super EBT - shifts the EW so early it has to be a NW
Yeah, unfortunately lately when I've done a one nap day he's only slept about 1:10 and that's just not going to help anything. :P

Ok, I agree with the 13hr day too, but it seems so daunting to put him down at 5:30pm (besides the argument that would follow with DH ::)) as I think he's mostly waking due to teeth and just that it's close to morning for his body (well, the old morning) so he's not going back to sleep.  Of course, he's also OT.

He did about 1hr in the car yesterday from 3-4pm and went to bed no fuss at 7pm.  Woke at 4:30 again, I nursed him and put him down semi-awake.  He sucked his thumb and had a hard time settling, so I had to go back in and sit by him until about 5am.  He then slept restlessly and woke at 5:30.

Day looked like this...
A 5/5:30 am
S 9-9:45 am
S 1-2:40 pm

So, bedtime at 6:30 pm?  Although I know he's OT, there's a little voice in the back of my head wondering if this is too much daytime sleep spread out for a 15mo old and I have no hope of getting much more than a 10.5hr night anyway. ???  He was doing 11-11.5hr on close to that same routine (30min am nap) a week or two ago though, so I think it should be right. 

His bottom molar is a bit bloody today, but much of the outside has cut through, so hopefully the inside part will finish in the next couple days.  Those stupid eye teeth have about .5mm poking through the top, though.  Ugh, we're going on month 4 of these big teeth.  I'm ready for a break!

Offline becj86

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2012, 02:31:33 am »
LOL, super EBT for us was DS in bed asleep at 4:30... he woke after 10hr like clockwork, but being at 2:30, it was too dark for him to think it was day and he did go back to sleep and slept til 7 :) 14hr sleep, 14.5hr night and he was better after that but yeah, DH was unimpressed with the idea of BT at 4:30 - couldn't argue though because he was already in bed asleep when he got home from work ;) and he stayed asleep til 2:30.

These teeth have so much to answer for! Hugs, my friend, you will get a break... nice if it was now, but it will happen some day :-*

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2012, 06:32:07 am »
our days looked almost identical at 15 months BUT we capped at 30 mins max in the am and then did a 1.5 in the pm so about 2 hours day sleep.....

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2012, 08:37:59 am »
Hey Katie, one of the hardest things when they're UTW is finding the right amount of day time sleep in order to preserve the night. Add to that NW and every time for us it is trial and error. IIW Sam at that age then I probably would have allowed an extra 15 mins so 2 hours 15 max. If SEBT isn't an option then it has to be enough to get him through to later  :-\

Good Luck Hun.x.

Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2012, 20:45:14 pm »
LOL, super EBT for us was DS in bed asleep at 4:30... he woke after 10hr like clockwork, but being at 2:30, it was too dark for him to think it was day and he did go back to sleep and slept til 7
Oh, you're so brave, Bec! :)  LOL at it being dark out.  It's dark out from 5:45pm-7am here now, you'd think there would be lots of reason for him to sleep still at 4:30am.

So, we're getting better.  Still woke at 4:45am this morning, but I nursed him, and put him back down and he slept much more soundly until almost 6am, which means the OT must be wearing off.  Now to just get rid of that darn feed. :P  Think I might be waiting until the eye teeth are a little more through. ::)

I decided since the night was better to go back to 30min CN this morning, so he's done:

W 5:55 am
S 9:35-10:05 am
S 1:00- ?? (still sleeping at 2:40, so BT will be between 6:30 and 7)

Which means hopefully we're back on track.  Phew!  Claire had some EW in her day, but only one ever in the 4s.  I was feeling a bit rattled at the beginning of the week, but much better now.  Thanks again, girls! :-* :-*

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2012, 14:35:12 pm »
Hi Katie, sorry this is late Hun  :( what time did you do nap 2 in the end  ??? does he last 3 hours on a 30 min nap  ??? I know some LO's do but others only last 2.5 hours  :-\ Really hope today is the springboard back to a decent later BT. How long was nap 2  ???
