We are in such a mess (all of us, the whole family, LOL, not really). Ok, you can see I'm tired, I can't even type a proper message.

DS is 15mo, still on two naps (30min CN, 1.5-2hr pm nap), and cutting is last molar and top two eye teeth. We travelled two weekends ago to visit ILs and that's kinda where the trouble started. On the way home he took a 1:45hr nap and then I didn't get him down for a pm CN. My mom was watched him that evening, but also couldn't get him down (has never happened to her) for EBT. So, starting then he was a bit OT. Tried to catch up for a couple days and I was also trying to push him out for the end of DST, but I think that was too much at once. On Halloween he was up a bit late again, and the EW started. So, for two mornings before the time change, he was up at 5:30-5:45. And of course on Sat, he did a short pm nap of 1hr (teeth, I think because nothing else was different) and we had a birthday party for our niece that afternoon, so couldn't do much of an EBT (not that I really wanted to anyway). So, for the last 3 mornings we've been up from 4:20-4:45 (I've gotten him to doze a bit by BFing him and holding him, but the minute I go to lay him back down he wakes like it's morning). Also, his naps have dwindled to 30min in the morning and only 1-1:10 in the afternoon. Nights are about 10-10.25hr.
Today is the worst, as he fell asleep on the way to drop DD off at preschool at 8:20am! I let him sleep 40min before our mom's group at church. Then, we went to vote and he fell asleep on the way home again at 11:55am and slept 30min. So, I'm going to try to take him for another drive at about 3 and hope for I don't know what. I was thinking an hour and put him down for 7pm, which is a terribly long day, but in the hopes of 10-10.5hr, then we'll be at 5-5:30, which is progress.

Or do only 30min again and put him down for 6:30.

Either way, I'm not expecting much and will likely be back in the same hole in the morning.
We don't really have anything for the rest of the week, so I need a plan to get him out! His routine before this looked like...
W 6:30 am
S 10-10:30 am
S 1:30-3 or 3:30 pm
BT 7-7:30 pm
Can I let him do 45min in the morning and then a bit longer A in between to try to catch him up or what? Something like...
W 4:45-5 am
S 9-9:45 am
S 1-2:30 or 3 pm
BT 6:30 pm
I really have no clue.

. With Claire, I would AP her an hr in the morning an hr in the afternoon and she would right herself after a few days. I've never been in this position with Graham and obviously nothing is working yet.