Author Topic: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.  (Read 6076 times)

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2012, 00:17:25 am »
Yes, Vicki he can handle 3hr after 30min nap, but not if the A time before the 30min nap goes over 3:30-3:40 it seems. He did 2hr yesterday pm and went to bed perfect for DH at 7pm. Was up at about 5:45 and that's where I don't really know if it's teeth or that's all he needs after 2 naps like that. ??? 

He's obviously more tired than I realize though, because my mom had him today and let him do 45min am. She hates to wake him up. :P. Then, DH came home for lunch (I was gone for the day) and apparently G looked really tired, so he put him down after just 2.25hr. ???  He slept 1.5hr which is fine, but means I'm putting him to bed a bit earlier again tonight because it ended early. Oh well, at least we're sort of back on track.

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2012, 07:13:15 am »
we seem to be in very similar situations katie!
M actually does 3.5 after a 30 min am nap if she is well rested and 3 on a 20 min nap but like G yesterday she only managed 2.5 due to a long am A time. I SO want to get to 1 nap now but it feels so hard....

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Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2012, 14:25:35 pm »
I SO want to get to 1 nap now but it feels so hard....
I do too, but 2 naps actually work better with Claire's preschool run, so I think I might eat my words when it comes down to it. :P

Night was fine, no different than any other.  Had him down at 6:30, unsettled sleep starting at about 4:30, fed in there once, and he slept til 6. Will keep plugging along. :)

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #18 on: November 11, 2012, 11:43:35 am »
Hey Hun, glad he is sleeping quite well.  I guess the only way to know if day is robbing night is to cut back the 2nd nap by 5 mins and go carefully. It's frustrating as they get older than even when OT or even ill you can't just let them sleep on.


Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2012, 00:43:15 am »
Ok, great advice Vicki. His afternoon sleep right now is a bit inconsistent. Some days it will be 1.5-2hr, some days only 1hr and it doesn't seem to make a difference to the morning. I do notice the bottom eye teeth just about to break the surface now and am really hoping they make their way through faster than the molars. Then, hopefully I'll be able to see things more clear. He just seems tired all the time right now no matter how much he naps or sleeps at night. :-\

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2012, 09:55:07 am »
Darn teeth, they mess everything up and they definitely cloud your judgement cos it's so hard to know what's truly going on. Good Luck Hun, with teeth breaking I would definitely go carefully and slowly if cutting back.


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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2012, 19:28:53 pm »
are things still on the way up Katie?

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Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2012, 20:06:21 pm »
Eh, I don't know... I think if he gets about 2:15 day sleep, he'll do an 11hr night uninterrupted, but that's still leaving me with BT at 6:45-7 and WU at 5:45-6.  Which is fine, but I was kinda hoping to get it back to 6:30-7, in preparation for going to one nap.  I got stuck in the 2-1 last time with Claire waking at around 6 am, and it seems harder that way (I know I'm being picky here :-[).  I think we're just at the point where more day sleep to push him out doesn't help, but I don't know how else to get him to a later wake.  If I push only BT on the same amount of day sleep he does a shorter, presumably OT night.  If I push the A times too much between naps, he does a shorter pm nap.  He must be a little OT still or just a bit touchy with the teeth. ???

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2012, 20:09:51 pm »
just sounds like here to me before we hit this exceptionally rough patch....
The only way I could push BT with M on 2 naps was to let her have more like 2 hours in the pm if she would take it and then she could handle a later night, generally BT after 7pm produces a shorter night otherwise.

I am inclined to leave it for a week or so as he is doing a good night and a good nap total. Is he settling for naps and BT ok? If so I would go with it a little while but that is me and it could be because I want to be back there right now!!

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Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2012, 10:39:00 am »
Hiya Hun, from the outside looking in I would stick with what you've got. I fear by trying to make it 'ideal' you could end up in another OT mess, so I'd stick with it, while things are possibly as good as it gets, for now KWIM  ???  ;)



Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2012, 20:39:09 pm »
I'd stick with it, while things are possibly as good as it gets, for now KWIM  ???  ;)
Ha, yeah, I do kwym!  He woke at 4:45 this morning, resettled til 5:30, but that was it.  Argh, I just don't like being up that early (5:30 isn't so bad, but of course I don't fall back to sleep in between).  I know his teeth are hurting because he cried out twice last night, once requiring me to go in at about 9:30pm, which has been pretty rare the last 3mo (I used to go in and resettle a lot ::)).  But, he used to always go back easily in the early morning (with a BF, granted) and now he just doesn't. :-\

Is he settling for naps and BT ok?
Yes, always within 5-10min unless I'm a little late with BT, then it takes him longer.  He rolls around for awhile before settling in.

I'll stick with what we've got so far and try to be patient.  I know it took Claire a few weeks (possibly a whole month) to pull back to normal wake time after the time change at his age (heck, even at 4yrs, she's still not back to where she should be; that's a whole other post ::)), but I just don't know if it's only that with G or if there's more to it.  I think I'm over analyzing things. :-[

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2012, 22:08:56 pm »
Ah bless you Hun. YK if you got both LOs to an 8 am WU you would no doubt be awake at 5am waiting........................ :o :o :o

 ;) YOu know it's true LOL.x.

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2012, 06:37:36 am »
I think I'm over analyzing things.
oh me too!! That is a BW thing hun x

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Offline katie80

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2012, 14:56:21 pm »
LOL, Becky!! :D

YK if you got both LOs to an 8 am WU you would no doubt be awake at 5am waiting........................ :o :o :o
Oh yes, soooo true.  I'd be down on the treadmill though, finally shedding these last few lbs. ::)  I'd probably turn into a marathoner. ;)  Who am I kidding, this will not happen until they're in middle school.  Claire has slept past 7am only a handful of times in her life and once we even went to check on her to make sure she was ok (she was 3yr old!). ::) :P

But..... G made it til 6:45am this morning! It didn't come without a little NF and resettle at 4:45, but I was happy all the same.  Last night was the first night I'd medicated in a week or so, so wondering if that made a difference.  I'm not expecting it again right away, but hopeful we're getting somewhere.

Thanks, ladies! :-*

Offline *Becky*

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Re: Ugh, what a mess! EW, short naps with 15mo old after time change.
« Reply #29 on: November 18, 2012, 19:07:21 pm »
Claire has slept past 7am only a handful of times in her life
henry too, he is a total 6/6.30am boy....
Glad you got a later wake up - makes for a happy mummy right?!

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