Author Topic: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??  (Read 2207 times)

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milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« on: November 09, 2012, 21:14:46 pm »

Just wanted to get some advice from other parents on milk allergy.

Dr diagnosed my LO as possibly lactose intolerant because he had a rash come up on his face,head amd arms, little bit on chest under his neck..he's also quite gassy...holds on to his gas and is hard to burp without gas drops but also cant be put down for a good sleep because he just grunts all the time and wakes up...he's 5 weeks and formula fed.

anyway changed to lactose free which didnt seem to help and also Ive read on the net its quite rare in babies....the rash is pimply with some white heads so not like eczema rash and I just wasnt convinced he needed the change to lactose free.

I was wondering if maybe he's milk protein intolerant? I think to be honest the rash is a heat/sweat rash as it comes and goes and that really he's just gassy like all young babies...he is my third baby so you would think I'd know what i was doing but the whole formula changing cycle can be viscious and Im desperate for him to settle after feeds and sleep peacefully which he just doesnt!

I probably need to just ride the gassiness out but dont want to miss something that may help.

any help would be great thanks!!

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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 00:52:03 am »
Hi and welcome to BW :)

You're totally right when you say that it's likely not lactose intolerance - it is very, very rare in babies. It definitely could be milk protein intolerance (MPI) though. But first and foremost I'd probably trust your mommy instincts over what the dr. thinks. If LO is happy enough during the day and you don't think it's MPI, then I wouldn't do anything about it.

But if you're not sure, you could try a hypoallergenic formula and see if it gets better. There are lots of them out there, here in Canada we have Alimentum and Nutramigen.

As for the rash, I'm not an expert. DS is MPI and is prone to rashes (kind of like heat rashes as well - but it did get better once we cut out the dairy). 

HTH xxx

Offline hbush77

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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 09:06:05 am »
hi and thanks for the advice.

what does an mpi rash tend to look like? Im just worried about keep changing his formula...will an hypoallergenic one be a gentle change for his tum? whats the difference between hypoallergenic and milk protein free milk?

apart from his nan, no one else in the family has an this related?

sorry to throw out so many questions but I dont know whats best...the dr told us to put saccharin in the lactose free milk because it tastes awful and I was so unhappy with that! so im trying to work it out myself.

his rash is pretty grim and covers his face and head but it flares up and subsides and seems worse in the morning and if he gets upset....

also is it harmful to just swap his milk or will it either do nothing or improve him? cant be doing with more gas pains!!!!

thank you

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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 14:45:18 pm »
I don't know exactly how to describe what a rash would look like - I think there are many different possibilities.  Have you seen this link?

Does my LO have food intolerances?

Hypoallergenic formula is formula in which the milk proteins are broken down to be very small so that the body does not recognize them.  Elemental formula (which I assume is the same as milk protein free milk) has no milk proteins in it, it is built up from amino acids directly. Most LO's who are MPI do well with hypoallergenic formula, only some (I think 10% of all MPI LO's) require elemental formula (which is way more expensive).

In our family no one has intolerances or allergies but my DS is MPI (on elemental formula) with lots of other food sensitivities. I think allergies run in families but I guess intolerances can just happen to anyone.

I think there is an adaptation period for the body every time you change milk, but other than that I don't think it's harmful. But TBH I don't think lactose free milk is going to help him at all, since lactose intolerance is so rare. And adding sugar to his formula, I agree with you, it's not the best  :-\  If you try hypoallergenic milk you have to give it a 2 week adaptation period before you can conclude whether or not it has improved his symptoms.

Don't worry about asking lots of questions, it is so stressful when you don't know and the dr is not very helpful  :-\


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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2012, 20:31:20 pm »
Thank you so much for your post...I do feel like Im rambling on but then 5 weeks of 2 hours sleep a night is addling my brain! Have sent hubbie to chemist today for new milk and he has come back with milk that has proteins that are hydrolised?? think that means hypoallergenic but not sure...sorry Im so vague but we live in spain and things work very different here for example the saccharine issue....its a bit behind the times here so Im not that confident in the dr's.....

so far he's not shown any change but will keep you posted...

thank you so much for your help

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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2012, 20:35:11 pm »
yes hydrolised would be hypoallergenic. :)

It can take a few days until the proteins leave his system.

You must be so tired- hopefully this helps him and you can start getting more sleep :-*

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Re: milk protein intolerance in 5 week old??
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 21:16:10 pm »
Hey hon, I replied to your other post in Health but wanted to check how's it going for you, what is the milk LO is on now?