okay so minor setback last night...
My SIL went into labour so I had my 3 yo niece with me and DH was on night shift so it was just me with two!
M's bedtime was rushed. He didn't settle very well and I ended up doing wi/wo with him for about 15 minutes, trying to get him to sleep and bath my niece who demanded a bath right at M's bedtime.
He settled himself down and fell asleep without me in the room.
NW at 11:30, lots of coughing and crying. I laid down on the floor but he wouldn't settle and I panicked afraid he would wake up my niece which he did. Both of them crying at midnight so I was back and forth trying to settle them both down.
Ended up having to pick M up and settle him (didn't sit tho) and then rub his back for about 2 minutes to settle him down. He went back to sleep and then I had to get my niece back to sleep.
NW at 4:30am. Gave meds for teeth, walked with him a bit to help settle cough, back in crib and I laid on the floor, he fell asleep and I had to wake him at 6:45am.
So, minor setback I hope. I would have really liked to have not had to pick him up but I panicked and it is what it is I guess.
So, I suppose I just crack on with the same game plan? Should I stay beside the crib another night to make sure he's comfortable with me not rocking him and do my best to not pick him up?
I hope this doesn't put me right back at the beginning....
Only plus I suppose is he's getting about 12 hours now through the night, albeit broken up but much better than the 9/10 he was getting. His mood has improved significanty in the morning too - DH even noticed