Hi ladies, just wanted to update on the last few days... I am so lost
wu 5:20!!! (tried to cuddle/hug/bring him to our room but he was awake and wanted to be awake)
Nap 11:55-1:55 (tried to do an AM cn in the car but he didnt sleep. - he was just happy all along!!!??) I woke him at 2
Bt - i tried to take him in at 6:45 because he had such a big am, but he was just not tired and he finally slept at 7:35
Nws - brief at 11, 2, and then he was awake at 5 AM!!
wu 5 AM
once again I tried to get him to sleep by APOP, all sorts of things, but he wanted to get out and play
nap - 12:05-1:40 (he woke on his own - I tried to APOP back to sleep but he wanted out) - once again was happy all evening.
Bt - took him in at 6:55 fell asleep by 7:30
Nw - it is now 8:25
I have been trying to do naptime at 12:30 to see if that is going to help but it's impossible to there with all these early wakes and the refusal of car catnaps in the am.!!
But he is really fine and as usual, and normal during all his A times, doesn't show any signs of OT or unhappiness and in the morning when he wakes at 5 Am or whatever time he is once again as usual, singing, talking and wants to get up and play!!
I am resigned to thinking this is developmental.. he just turned 23 mo. though. Maybe the sleep regression thing is hitting early?? at least that's what i'm going to tell myself