Anna, I actually think that 2x 6oz bottles is a LOT of milk when she is still being BF.

I bottle fed, and I know it is a different approach with milk than when BFing, but once LOs are past that 12 month mark, the aim is to make milk a drink that we have with meals and snacks, rather than giving it to them in large volumes as feeds. If she is still getting 3-4 BFs per day, then that is her milk and calcium need there, really, plus her food. Can the CM just give her milk in a sippy to have with her meals and snacks, like 2-3 ounces? It just seems counterproductive to me to give her such large volumes of milk in a bottle when she is getting all of what she needs from her BFs? To compare, as a bottle-fed LO, my DS was getting 2 bottles of 8 ounces at 12 months and we were working on cutting it down by 13-14 months, and he didn't have the extra milk from BFing iyswim?
I think she should definitely be on full-fat milk, I actually think it was bloody cheeky of your CM to suggest otherwise!!