Author Topic: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?  (Read 3141 times)

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Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« on: December 07, 2012, 13:32:20 pm »
I'm really at a Loss and so discouraged.  We've been on two naps for two weeks now. Two very long nws. One last week and one today. This one started at 4:20 and now it's 6:25 and he's still up. He was wet, I changed him but he hardly ever wets through. Shhhed him with lights off but he won't go back to sleep.

Last week he was up from 2am til 6am! Other than these two times he's only had nws one other time two nights ago but settled himself.

He's never been this messed up and I'm feeling desperate and at a loss.

He's almost 15 months. Did we start this too early? Should we go back to two naps? Also his wu time is getting earlier last two days at 5:50am.

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 18:47:34 pm »
Hello Hun, (Hugs) to you, that's rough on you all. Can you please post his WU/Nap/BT. What you have been doing since setting the 1 nap routine in place.

Also long NW are often down to pain/discomfort, can you rule that out  ???

Does he ever wake early in the evening or is it always the latter part of his sleep at night  ???

And just to check, is he an Independent Sleeper  ???


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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 02:10:50 am »

Wake up 5:55am
Nap 11am (2 hours)
Bedtime 6:40 (asleep)
Had two wakings, one at 11pm and one at 2 or 3 am, with just a call out/cry then back to sleep on his own quickly

Wake up 4:20am (cry out then laid quietly for an hour then began fussing so I went in and he was soaked, this has never happened before)
Back to sleep at 6:30 (didn't give him milk or water, we never do except one time last week during the other 4 hour waking from 2am-6am)
Nap at 11:55(one hour and 40mins, but dog woke him up, so I think he would have slept longer)
Bed time 7pm

Since one nap, basically it's been 5hrs A in the am, and 5.5hrs-6hrs A before BT, but mostly 5.5hrs

He does have one tooth in back popping through with a swollen gum, but he's fine during the day and settles fine for nap and BT.  No fussiness at all.  And very few tired signs to speak of.

He almost always wakes in the latter part of his sleep.  In two weeks, he really hasn't woken much.  Just the two long NWs and then night before last the two call outs then right back to sleep.

Yes, he's been an independent sleeper since 4 months old.  I know it's not popular on here, but in addition to following EASY religiously, we did a short bit of CIO when he was younger for naps only and had great results.

When he wakes we leave him be for up to an hour and a half because he isn't fussing, only mildly off and on, but just wide awake.  Last week once we went in there he became hysterical when we tried to leave.  That went on for over an hour.  Finally, we let him fuss for about 10 minutes and he went to sleep at 6am.

He has a lovey and sucks his thumb which are his comfort items.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this. I appreciate any advice.

I also know he's in the middle of Wonder Week 64 and I can see such a difference in him as far as saying new words and being very inquisitive.  Like a new/different child.  It's really amazing.  Could this have anything to do with it?

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2012, 07:13:24 am »

Well first off the routine you put in place looks good.

He does have one tooth in back popping through with a swollen gum, but he's fine during the day and settles fine for nap and BT.  No fussiness at all.  And very few tired signs to speak of.

I know it's hard to believe but I'll wager this has something to do with those NW, especially if it's a molar, it can make their whole jaw ache and it more painful when lying down for long periods of time because the blood pools around the area causing extra pressure. You can help by medicating and also raising the mattress with pillows underneath.

I know it's not popular on here, but in addition to following EASY religiously, we did a short bit of CIO when he was younger for naps only and had great results.

Tracy Hogg was very much against CC and CIO. Here's a link for you to view to help you understand more about what has been discovered WRT CIO.

Video on CIO/CC and its effect on brain development

I also know he's in the middle of Wonder Week 64 and I can see such a difference in him as far as saying new words and being very inquisitive.  Like a new/different child.  It's really amazing.  Could this have anything to do with it?

Absolutely! It's great that you are aware of the WW's. When I first discovered them I was so relieved LOL. IMHO this is a period of time which is fuelled by discomfort and development and I honestly think it is something that will pass. I wouldn't change the routine because it looks good as I said before, I would wait and see, otherwise you could be tweaking unnecessarily.

Hope this helps.x.

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 13:57:02 pm »
Thank you so much! So maybe the tooth coming in feels strange to him, but not crazy painful, enough for him to be crying, just wide awake?

As far as I know he didn't wake at all last night, but when my alarm went off at 6:20am he was laying in there wide awake but quiet.  I have no idea what time he woke.  He could have had a small cry out and I just didn't hear him.

If he did wake around 6am then he barely got 11hrs.  We'll stick to 11:30am for his first nap today and see how it goes.

Does it make since at all that a two hour nap could have anything to do with long night wakings?  They seem to coinside, I think...... ???

How long does this take before they're in a good solid one nap routine?

Thanks again for all of your help!! :) :) :)

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2012, 15:38:51 pm »
Does it make since at all that a two hour nap could have anything to do with long night wakings?  They seem to coinside, I think......

If it is something that you have consistently noticed then I would go with it, Mother's Instinct is pinnacle to being a successful BW  ;)

Would you say he is low/average/high sleep needs from his history  ???

Something to also consider is his A time to BT after the 2 hour nap, in case it is too short  ???

However keeping to a 13 hour day is usually pinnacle, NW almost always happen when a LO's day is too long, so it is a combination of a few things. Keeping a diary of his sleep at home will help you to look back and see what is relevant.

I think a 5.5 am A time is long enough for his age, if anything I would probably shorten it a little which would give longer to BT if a tweak does prove necessary.



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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2012, 19:51:24 pm »
Thank you again!  If I had to guess I'd say he's average sleep needs.  His usually right in the middle of the ranges. He's never been the kid who would do a 12 hour night and 2-3 hours of day sleep.  On occasion he's done a 12 hour night, but mostly 11-11.5hrs, then two hours of naps (when it was 2 naps).
It seems that in the beginning of the 2-1 he was sleeping more than normal, but now it's tapering back down.

He was out cold for his 11:30am nap within a couple of mins.  Not like him. He will usually take 10mins to settle for naps and up to 25mins for BT.

I don't think we've made it to a 13 hour day too many times during the 2-1.  It's mostly been 12.5.  I will love to get back to 13hr days.  That's what we'll work on.

I will consider all you have said, and hopefully I won't have to come back in desperation again..... :) :)

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2012, 20:06:08 pm »
Ugh!  His nap was only 1 hour 20 mins.  That has to be OT right?  It's 1pm so I'll have him down, asleep by 6:30pm.  Does that sound ok?  He's way under today with an 11 hr night and 1hr 20 min nap.  Well, only about 40 min under.  But it's been so up and down.

About how long before he'll regulate again?  I know every kid is different.

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2012, 09:00:39 am »
Ugh!  His nap was only 1 hour 20 mins.  That has to be OT right?

How was the previous night and how long was the morning A time to nap  ???

WRT to BT I would have observed him TBH and decided later. How did it go  ???

When he calms down depends on the teething and the developmental leap and the fact he is soon into the 2-1 so how long is a piece of string  ???LOL  ;)



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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2012, 14:25:53 pm »
Hi there!!  Well, his A time before the 1 hr 20 min nap, I'm not sure because I dont know what time he woke up.  He was wide awake at 6:20am when my alarm went off, but quiet.  So who the heck knows???

He did great during the day.  Played hard with his cousin outside and was asleep at 6:45pm (took almost 20 mins to settle).  Then he woke with two cry outs, one at 7:30pm, and one at 9pm. But went right back to sleep.  I was worried for a crazy night.  BUT.........He slept 12 hours!  I'm almost in disbelief!  The molar is definitely coming in, I can see it, and I was ready to give him motrin if he woke up. 

This morning he's all smiles and zero fuss.  Once you see the white spots from the tooth is this causing them a lot of discomfort?

Oh my the roller coaster right now..... :) :) Let's up the upswing continues.  Thanks again for your continued support!

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2012, 17:41:31 pm »
Hurrah! for the 12 hour night!!!

Once you see the white spots from the tooth is this causing them a lot of discomfort?

Molars move around in the gum for a long time before you see them break through, so they can cause discomfort at every stage. Usually once a tooth has completely broken through the pain eases somewhat.

Hope things continue to improve.x.

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2012, 03:37:57 am »
Thanks so much.  I have one quick question.

So, he had a 5hr A before his nap.  He woke at 45 mins, cried out, laid down, back to sleep.  Then woke again at one hour, cried out, and went back to sleep after shuffling and sitting up, and slept for 30 more mins.  Tonight he had 5.5 hrs of A before BT and then woke after not quite two hours and cried out once and laid back down and back to sleep. 

He's always woken frequently in the middle of naps and puts himself back to sleep most of the time.  He never seemed to grown out of that, at least yet.  But before the 2-1 it rarely happened ever after he went down for BT.

Just wondering if it's something I should try to fix, maybe OT?  Or just let it go?  Again, just always afraid of getting him into an overtired mess.  He does yawn around 4:30 or 5, off and on.  But that's the only tired sign he gives me.  Also, I see that top molar poking through in two places so I gave him baby motrin before BT tonight.  He's been drooling a lot today, but not fussy or irritable at all.

 ??? ???

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2012, 21:27:31 pm »
Hi Hun, it sounds like OT WU's possibly. However, the fact he is settling himself is fantastic In actual fact almost all LO's wake several times in the night (but only some of them settle themselves) so it is normal to do so anyway. The molar will likely be making him extra tired too, they usually do. Our DS copes so well and never complains about the pain, but it can still effect his nights.


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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2012, 01:47:00 am »
Hi again. Been dealing with a sick LO the last couple of days.  He seems to be on the mend, but had some serious congestion and runny nose.

WU times have been ok.  One at 5:45 :( , then one at 6:45am, and today 6:20am.  He's still doing those weird wakeups twice a night, then settles and goes back to sleep.  Last night it was after 45 mins, then again at 5am.  He also flat out refused his nap the day he was really sick and he was so tired.  He finally fell asleep way past nap time and only slept 40 mins.  We got a 12.5 hour night that night and then a 1.35min nap! 

Last night he slept 11 hrs 10 mins and his nap was a mess.  His dad was here with him and I think pushed him too much.  He was up for 5.5hrs and then woke after an hour, and maybe would have settled, but the dog barked (again >:( >:() and then he dropped his beloved blankie over the side of the crib so there was so salvaging the nap.  I tried to calm him by going in but he wouldn't go back to sleep.  He took 15mins to settle tonight for BT, but quietly.  He was asleep at 6:20pm.

So, I guess we need to get past this little bout of illness and get back on track.  But still the times are all over the place (nap times, BT, and WU).  I guess not that bad considering. 

Do most moms do set times with the 2-1 or go with the flow?  It seems like set times would really reset them and different times each day would never get them on a set schedule. ??? ???

It was so nice for about 7 months with a very predictable schedule. And a later BT.  I guess we'll get there again.

Thanks for listening.......

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Re: Looong nws two weeks into 2-1. Go back to two naps?
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2012, 10:28:13 am »
Hi Hun, sorry he's still poorly, same here with DS, he's had the flippin' cold for 2 weeks now.

Some do go for set nap times and it can work well. Other's go for set A times, which eventually results in set nap times. The best way to get him back to a set schedule once he is well again is to wake him at a consistent time in the morning, otherwise every day can be different.


BTW from your beautiful picture I can see that the dog barking is rather significant WOOF!!!!!!!!!!! LOL  ;)
