Hello again,
The holidays are finally here

and I've got 2 weeks to get dd into some sort of routine. I've tried really hard to do early bedtimes this week and keep her days to 12 1/2 hours max but some nights it has taken her so long to get to sleep it has ended up being a longer day and we are still struggling with the 5am wake ups.
I spoke to the nursery about moving her nap to earlier and they tried but it didn't work. Apparently after lunch, the toddlers all go into the sleep room and lie on little matresses for a rest/nap. It seems that by putting dd in there at this time, she is happy to copy what they are doing and settles down by herself for a nap. If they tried for a nap at 11, there were just a couple of babies in there and she wouldn't stay in the cot by herself and made a fuss which they were worried might wake the other babies.
The problem is it does take her a long time to go to sleep. I had asked them to put her down straight after lunch which would be 12:15 ish but in her book it said she was napping 1 - 2. It turns out that they are putting her in the cot at 12:15 but it takes her till 1 to settle down and fall asleep so i can't really see what they can do about making the nap earlier.
Today she has been at home with me. She woke at 5:15 and was showing tired signs soon after 10. So today she had 2 naps, 10:40-11:20 and 2:45-4:00 she was asleep by 6:45
Please can you help me with a plan of action for the holidays in terms of timings. I don't know whether i should be sticking to a fixed nap time (and what it should be) or fixed A times (and what they should be) and how do I adjust the A times and bedtime based on the lenghts of the nap?
The gw at bedtime is still going really well. I had moved onto the landing but was still shushing from the doorway but tonight I came away before she was fully asleep and when she called to see if I was still there and found I wasn't she went straight to sleep. We're not having much luck with the gw at nap time.
Hopefully we can make some real progress over the holiday and get her in a good routine ready to go back to nursery.