Author Topic: Just don't know what to do  (Read 3462 times)

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Offline bluebell568

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Just don't know what to do
« on: December 07, 2012, 20:06:33 pm »
My dd is 15 months and we are still having huge sleep issues particularly with naps. I feel like it is all my fault as I haven't managed to teach her how to settle herself to sleep but everytime I think we are making progress with that, something comes along to set us back again.

A couple of months ago I really thought we were beginning to get somewhere as she started having one nap a day that lasted between 1.5 and 2.5 hours (this was the closest we'd ever come to some sort of acceptable nap routine) but then she had bronchiolitis followed immediately by chickenpox, then a new tooth and now yet another cold. And we are back to spending all day trying to ap her to sleep and ending up with one 30 minute nap if we're lucky, early bed times because she just can't cope with the evenings and then early wakings too. We are in a ridiculous over tired cycle that I can't fix.

Hope someone can help me to help her.

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 22:07:16 pm »
Hello Honey, sorry things are so rough and poor DD, she's had a lot to cope with bless her heart  :'(

Okay, so can you tell me please:

What method were you using to teach her Independent Sleep  ???

Is she on 1 or 2 naps  ???

What is her current routine  ???

What method of AP are you using  ???

Chin up Hun, it's not your fault that she has had such a run of illness. You can help her and yourselves to get more rest and we are here to help and hold your hand  ;)



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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 15:01:20 pm »
I'm using gradual withdrawal to teach her independent sleep. I had got to the stage where she would stay lying down quietly in her cot sucking her thumb while I sat by the door of the room and eventually she would fall asleep. But this was only at bed time. At nap times she was still standing up and crying if I put her in the cot anything other than fast asleep.

On Monday and Tuesday she is at nursery all day and they really struggle to get her to sleep and to stay asleep. They try to do 2 naps a day but very rarely succeed and when she does sleep at nursery it is often for between 15 and 30 minutes because something will wake her up. Very occasionally she will have a 1 hour nap but she has never slept longer than that at nursery. They try to rock her to sleep at nursery but often comment that she eventually falls asleep in their arms (after 30-45 minutes of rocking!) but then wakes up straight away when they put her in the cot.

On Wednesday and Thursday she just goes to nursery for the morning. Before all her illnesses we were getting some nice long afternoon naps on these days so these tended to be 1 nap days.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday she is at home with me all day. I usually try for the first nap at about 11am. If she has a long nap then that might be the only one but if she only sleeps for 30 minutes then I'll try for another one later.

On Monday and Tuesday, she is so tired when I get her home from nursery that she usually has a really early bed time but then wakes early the next morning and is even more tired by the next night and so the cycle continues.

So really we don't have a good routine at all and her body clock must be all over the place. Should I try a set nap time perhaps  ???
Her routine is something like
Wake up between 6:30 and 7am (but very often wakes at 5:15 onwards and has a breastfeed. Sometimes goes back to sleep for an hour but often doesn't)
Breastfeed when she wakes if she hasn't had one at 4 or 5am
Breakfast at 7:30
Snack at 10 (this is when they have one at nursery). At home I tend to wait for nap time and then breastfeed her to sleep.
Nap 1 around 11ish. Depending on wake up time.
Lunch at 12
Snack at 3 (at nursery she is offered milk at this time but doesn't often have a lot) Again I tend to offer her milk at nap time rather than 3.
Nap 2. Completely depends on if nap 1 happened, how long it lasted etc.
Nursery tea is at 3:45 but she hasn't usually had much milk. With me she has usually had a good breastfeed mid afternoon so  I usually do tea at 4:30
On a normal day we would go up for bath, pyjamas, story, breastfeed and bed at 6:15pm. If she falls asleep on the breast she might be asleep by 7pm, if I put her in her cot to settle herself it might be 8pm by the time she falls asleep. On nursery days when she hasn't had much day time sleep she might go up to bed as early as 5:30.

The two ways that are most successful in getting her to sleep are breastfeeding and car journeys. Sometimes walks in the pram but not so successful any more.

Sorry that is such a long reply to your questions. The nursery have commented that they've never had a baby that struggles so much to fall asleep. Even when obviously tired she will fight and fight to stay awake.

I'll try anything you think will help. We've got the Christmas holidays coming up - 17 days without nursery so I'm keen to get a good routine going and maybe help her body clock to get set and things might be better in January  ???

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2012, 15:20:19 pm »
Hi Hun, to be honest I could do with some back up here, because it is so very tricky when the day differ. It isn't an unusual situation to be honest, but I don't have any BTDT advise, and I could do with some myself so I know how to advise others.

Hopefully be back with extra eyes for you.


Offline bluebell568

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 15:27:57 pm »
Thank you :-)

Offline 1stimer

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2012, 20:00:38 pm »
My daughter went through the same thing and I felt terrible as I had not taught her how to sleep on her own, she had always had a bottle to sleep and when that stopped (the week before she started daycare MWF i might add...probably not the best idea ive had :/ ) it was terrible getting her to go down. We were in a very similar sitation in that she still went to my mother 2 days a week and she coddled her to sleep with her naps so her nap routine was VERY inconsistent. She is our first baby so she is a light sleeper bc we were afraid to wake her up when she was younger. I will tell you she seemed to have grown out of it when 1) my mom got on board with not coddling her to sleep and 2) she seemed to understand that nap time wasnt permanent and that mommy is still there. I just started putting her in her crib for her nap after we did a short wind down routine so she knew nap time was coming and she could start getting settled. The first few weeks ( well weekends I should say since shes in daycare or my moms care while we are at work) were rough, lots of screaming and crying and fighting. I would go back in to check her after a few min of crying and try to settle her. I would try and give her time to work it out on her own but not for too long. My DD is very spirited so I quickly learned that the more I went in the worse it made it for her..shes pretty independent like that. Realizing what kind of child my daughter is has really heled in how we solve problems with her and there seems to be a new one almost every day now!  Its a process and you gotta give it time and be patient but eventually they seem to figure it out. My DD is 20m old now and shes been doing good with her naps for about 2m, so theres light at the end of the tunnel!!! HUGS!!!


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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2012, 10:20:44 am »
As you've pointed out there are 2 issues. One is that you need to work on independent sleep and the other is you need to try and go with a consistent routine. If it were me I'd aim for one nap. That way you know 5 days out of 7 it will definately be possible and I thinknnursery will have more of a chance of getting a decent nap out of her on a one nap routine.

I woukd start Wednesday when you pick her up and aim for nap in the cot and start your GW again. Do whatever you need to keep her awake on the way home. I would do GW for naps and bedtime and avoid APing. If you start Wednesday thatll give you a good
run at things before shes back to nursery on Monday and you'll be able to tell them where youre at.

How does that sound?

Offline bluebell568

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2012, 19:49:51 pm »
Sounds good thanks  :)  I've only got 2 weeks to go before the Christmas holidays and then 17 days of DD at home with me  :) so hopefully we can get into a really good routine and work really hard on the GW. It went really well this evening - she only took 20 minutes to settle to sleep  :)  A few more days by the door and I think I'll be able to move onto the landing!

I'm sure it won't be plain sailing and I'll be back in a few days with more questions but I'm feeling very positive at the moment and determined to make this work.

Thanks as always for your wonderful advice

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2012, 20:47:16 pm »
I'm sure it won't be plain sailing and I'll be back in a few days with more questions but I'm feeling very positive at the moment and determined to make this work.

Good for you sweetie, everything X'd for you.x.

Offline bluebell568

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2012, 21:31:57 pm »
Thought of a question already! What is the best thing to do if dd wakes early - say 5am. Usually I breastfeed her and rock her and do everything I can in the hope she will go back to sleep. Sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. I'm pretty sure that until We've done lots more work on the independent sleep she would not go back to sleep without some AP'ing and then she'd have a really long morning to cope with before her nap? Do I try to get her back to sleep to avoid OT or do I stick with the GW for EW too and risk her only having 10 hours night time sleep??

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2012, 07:41:24 am »
Do I try to get her back to sleep to avoid OT or do I stick with the GW for EW too and risk her only having 10 hours night time sleep??

Yes Hun, IMO it's important to be consistent at all times once you start ST, I did GW with DS and I did it at all NW and EW's. IIWM I would stick with a set A time which suits this situation more, then depending on how long the nap is, go with early bed time or maybe even super early bed time.


Offline bluebell568

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2012, 21:48:17 pm »
Thanks for that. She didn't wake up until 6:15am this morning which was brilliant - first time in ages I have still been in bed when the alarm has gone off! When I took her to nursery I explained that we were going to try 1 nap a day straight after lunch and that we were putting her in her cot and then sitting by her while she went to sleep. They were happy to give it a go and I was delighted to pick her up tonight and find she had slept for an hour from 1:25-2:25  :D  And they said they had put her in the cot, stroked her head a few times and she went to sleep straight away :D 

I'm sure we'll have some hiccups but so far so good!

It took her 30 minutes to settle herself to sleep this evening. It seems like quite a long time to me, should I expect her to gradually find it easier/quicker to drift off to sleep or do some babies just take a long time? 

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2012, 08:18:07 am »
That is a flying start Hun, fantastic  ;D So pleased about nursery nap too. 30 minutes to settle is actually a real result so early on, it can take a lot longer for many LO's. Onwards and upwards  ;)


Offline bluebell568

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2012, 19:08:04 pm »
Another 1 hour nap at nursery this lunchtime and has just settled tonight in 15 minutes with me in the doorway. Can't believe how well it's  going. :-)

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Re: Just don't know what to do
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2012, 21:08:43 pm »
That's so great, keep up the good work Hun.x.