Author Topic: Gentle Weaning Plan  (Read 26020 times)

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Offline g.k

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Gentle Weaning Plan
« on: October 28, 2004, 09:49:59 am »
:(  :(
hi i need advice 15 wk old son has started waking at night for 2, 3 hr feeds, this is weird as he has slept thro since 4-5 wks old!! he is gettin baby rice twice a day. any advice welcome...gk
« Last Edit: February 14, 2006, 05:32:24 am by FrasersMum »
G.K and Baby Jake 14-07-04

Offline g.k

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night wakings??? after weeks of sleeping thro???
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2004, 09:50:22 am »
:(  :(
hi i need advice 15 wk old son has started waking at night for 2, 3 hr feeds, this is weird as he has slept thro since 4-5 wks old!! he is gettin baby rice twice a day. any advice welcome...gk
G.K and Baby Jake 14-07-04

Offline BetsyAnh

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Gentle Removal Plan
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2004, 21:15:00 pm »
how long has he been doing this for? if only for a few nights maybe it's a growth spurt, or a developmental thing? hopefully it will pass in a few nights if that is the case!! btw, where is wiltshire?
Betsy mommy to Sienna born on February 22, 2004


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« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2004, 04:33:24 am »
What is the rest of his day like?  Perhaps day time awake periods need to be increased.  How long have you been giving him cereal for?  15 weeks is young to be starting solids, maybe this is causing him to not take enough milk and hence the wakings?

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« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2004, 15:36:43 pm »
Great Advice!!! Thank you so much!!
My son nurses to sleep all the time. I have tried everything to stop this, because everytime I take him off the breast he wakes up and it's back to square one  :roll:
I tried the tip in the Gentle removal plan and it worked!!!!! I only started this last night, so I have yet to see if it finally gets me to the point where he doesn't need to nurse to sleep, but at least it made things a lot easier last night. He nursed, fell asleep and I was able to take him off and put him to bed really quickly!

Mom to Mario Joaquí­n
Born on 6/5/04

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Offline g.k

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still no luck....
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2004, 19:53:26 pm »
Hi thanks for your reply, i live in england uk-county wiltshire. I went under advice of the health visitor and he drinks at least 5-6 bottles of 6-8 ozs a day. I have read about the pick up put down but not a chance can i hold him off as he is hungry... weird and very tiring ... any advice welcome...thanks gk :shock:
G.K and Baby Jake 14-07-04

Offline jayne

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« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2004, 22:28:30 pm »
that is great advice i am going to try that with our night wakenings which are far too early for me 2 am :shock:  i am so afraid for the time change.. he having any developmental changes?? rolling over, teething..etc? or maybe he is having a growth spurt??did you change anything during the day??

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004

Offline BetsyAnh

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« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2004, 12:09:19 pm »
oh, i am SO pleased to hear that it has worked for someone!!! how is it going? last night, i happened to wake up before my LO did (for 2am-ish feed) and when she tossed n turned, i picked her up and fed her, and she didn't wake again until 4! i wasn't awake to  catch her this time, but maybe after a few times of catching her before the 2am, she'll stop waking for that one? let's see!

btw- my li'l un has just gotten really good at crawling (was 8 months on 22nd Oct) and maybe that PLUS the fact that her first tooth is being TOO stubborn and doesn't want to cut PLUS she sometimes cries when i leave her (partial seperation thing) is causing the night wakings.... she wakes 2-3 times once i go to bed (11-12) and usually 2 times after she goes down (7-8)..... ugh!! time change!! let's hope she can adjust!!

let me know if anybody else has tried what Elizabeth Pantley's No-Cry Sleep Solution suggests and how it goes! again, if there are any questions i can try to answer, feel free to post!
Betsy mommy to Sienna born on February 22, 2004

Offline BetsyAnh

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Gentle Removal Plan
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2004, 12:10:48 pm »
oh, i am SO pleased to hear that it has worked for someone!!! how is it going joiquins mom? wow- you're from guatamala- i'm supposed to be moving to panama city early next year!

 last night, i happened to wake up before my LO did (for 2am-ish feed) and when she tossed n turned, i picked her up and fed her, and she didn't wake again until 4! i wasn't awake to  catch her this time, but maybe after a few times of catching her before the 2am, she'll stop waking for that one? let's see!

btw- my li'l un has just gotten really good at crawling (was 8 months on 22nd Oct) and maybe that PLUS the fact that her first tooth is being TOO stubborn and doesn't want to cut PLUS she sometimes cries when i leave her (partial seperation thing) is causing the night wakings.... she wakes 2-3 times once i go to bed (11-12) and usually 2 times after she goes down (7-8)..... ugh!! time change!! let's hope she can adjust!!

let me know if anybody else has tried what Elizabeth Pantley's No-Cry Sleep Solution suggests and how it goes! again, if there are any questions i can try to answer, feel free to post!

also, have there been any changes g.k?
Betsy mommy to Sienna born on February 22, 2004

Offline g.k

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advice welcome...
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2004, 21:24:04 pm »
thanks for your reply and query jane... Firstly i agree with u about the time change as today has been so weird really upset feeding times, so i just gave up in end and fed what and when Jake wanted. Yes as to your query Jake now 4 mnths this wednesday, is trying to roll over only gets head stuck at an angle though ... as for the teething i can see two small white teeth under bottom gums and is slabbering loads... he just seems so so hungry .. typical day
6am feed 8oz ...sleep at 6.30ish till 7.30 ish
9am feed 8oz and spoon feed play till 11am ish then sleep 30 mins
12 pm feed 6-8oz ... sleep at 2 ish for 30 mins
3 pm feed 8oz ... maybe sleep if out for walk
6pm feed 80z and few spoons of baby rice.. play then bath
8 - 8.30 latest another feed 8oz then falls asleep
sleeps till 12 or 1 ish then up every 10 mins 20 mins till i give in and feed usually about 3 or 4am...
then only sleeps for another hour and thinks its time to get up !!!!!
I am going to health visitor tommorow so will let you know what she thinks.... gk
G.K and Baby Jake 14-07-04

Offline Fife_Mum

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« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2004, 21:24:33 pm »
Quote (selected)
let me know if anybody else has tried what Elizabeth Pantley's No-Cry Sleep Solution suggests and how it goes! again, if there are any questions i can try to answer, feel free to post!

I have been using the gentle removal method (and 'moving the milk') at Fraser's last feed before bed, and during the night. It is working! Last night he slept 12 hours! No time change problems here (yet)! I'm expecting him to wake tonight but we are making progress. I also have to concentrate on EASY routines during the day to make sure he gets enough calories in him, by taking regular large feeds instead of lots of 'snacks'. He is gradually moving on to stage 2 foods and meats etc. so that might have helped too.
I kind of plan on using these methods until I find the strength or persuade DH to help with PU/PD.

Vicky - Proud Mum to:
Fraser 29/03/2004,
Arwen 24/09/2005,
Sophie 20/11/2007

Offline jayne

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« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2004, 20:42:24 pm »
okay i tried this with my dd and she screamed at me for taking her paci goodness it took me over a half an hour to resettle her  :shock:  i think i will try when she is a little older maybe??was there an age to start this at??? she will be three months on the 6th..

dd#1  05-14-2001
dd#2  08-06-2004


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Re: advice welcome...
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2004, 21:44:47 pm »
am interested to hear what the provider has suggested.  My son is 19 wks old and is getting up at least 3-4 times per night.  Have him on a similar schedule as yours but he eats every 4 hrs..8-12-4-8 with 1-2 night time feedings.  Naps for only 30 mins as yours does.  He is not eating cereal yet though.  Any help is appreciated.
Quote from: g.k
thanks for your reply and query jane... Firstly i agree with u about the time change as today has been so weird really upset feeding times, so i just gave up in end and fed what and when Jake wanted. Yes as to your query Jake now 4 mnths this wednesday, is trying to roll over only gets head stuck at an angle though ... as for the teething i can see two small white teeth under bottom gums and is slabbering loads... he just seems so so hungry .. typical day
6am feed 8oz ...sleep at 6.30ish till 7.30 ish
9am feed 8oz and spoon feed play till 11am ish then sleep 30 mins
12 pm feed 6-8oz ... sleep at 2 ish for 30 mins
3 pm feed 8oz ... maybe sleep if out for walk
6pm feed 80z and few spoons of baby rice.. play then bath
8 - 8.30 latest another feed 8oz then falls asleep
sleeps till 12 or 1 ish then up every 10 mins 20 mins till i give in and feed usually about 3 or 4am...
then only sleeps for another hour and thinks its time to get up !!!!!
I am going to health visitor tommorow so will let you know what she thinks.... gk

Offline scto

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« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2004, 10:40:35 am »
i was wondering at what age this should be implemented?? i've just started EASY, should i wait until that's established first before trying this method?


Offline BetsyAnh

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« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2004, 20:41:20 pm »
sorry i have hot replied- i was not notified by bw website!!

the book does not say any age to start to implement, any age is good (personally, i think that the earlier, the easier.... as it's taking some time w/ my 8 1/2 mo..)

as to g.k. and lkaiser- maybe they aren't rested enough after only a 30 min nap? therefore they aren't sleeping as well? mine doesn't usually function very well after only 30 min, and i usually have to put her back to sleep once she wakes up-- i was doing this before i found the book-- i would go in as soon as she cried, and put her on the breast (haven't broken the food/sleep association yet so i'm not too concerned about that at moment..) and once she is drowsy, i put her on my shoulder where she starts to drift off and then back into bed for her second half of her nap. do your little ones wake up rested and happy or crying? if they are crying, try Elizabeth Pantley' method of extending naps:

-a very SIMPLE method she has to get the short napper to sleep longer: "...put your baby down for a nap. set a timer or keep your eye onthe time. about 5-10 min BEFORE the usual awakening time, sit outside the bedroom door and listen carefully (using this time to read, knit, fold laundry, pay bills, etc). The minute your baby makes a sound, go in quickly. you'll find him in a sleepy, just-about--to-wake-up state. Use whatever technique helps him fall back to sleep-bf, rocking, or offerin bottle/paci. if you've caught him quickly enough, he sill fall back to sleep. after about a week or so of this intervention, your short napper should be taking a much longer snooze without any help from you..." SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! however on my first (and only so far) attempt, my munchkin went from 30 min to 1 1/2 hours.... one off? maybe... hope not!

hope this helps- i'm going to post another bit of her book in just a bit- i will put it in another post labeled- PART 2

any questions, i will try to answer!!
Betsy mommy to Sienna born on February 22, 2004