Hi there
Sorry I haven't been on for a few days as have been really busy working. We are still struggling..........I'm wondering if we are now reaching the next WW as typically she has her "up half the night" sessions when they come around. Today she woke up at 6.30 (which is v. early for her really) after finally sleeping last night around 9pm. We had trouble at naptime and as I had to run an errand after 45 mins trying I took her in the car and then into her cot and she slept 1.15-2.30 (I woke her). Tonight she fell asleep ok then woke up twice and has just gone into bed with her dad after being awake the last 1.5 hours (and a 30 minute drive in the car).
To be honest when I tried last time with the 2.5 hour stint she was a lot younger (maybe 12-13 months) so I was trying to just do PD - she stands (Jumps, runs, dives around) in the cot and I say sleepy phrase and lie her down, over and over, I did walk out of the room occasionally to see if she needed space to sleep. She basically at this point thought it was an enormous game and as I said she doesn't wear out easily. I think I tried walking out of the room etc........the thing is with her she doesn't really cry much but because she's so wild when she starts to get tired she falls and hurts herself or is trying to get out of the cot (she's little tho so can't yet), this basically is what makes me stop in the end.
I've decided to try the sleep training again (properly this time

) in Jan after we've done our trips to family, had people over etc as I imagine that's not the best time, and should be clear of the WW too by then I hope. Would be keen to know what you think would be best to try, I know you mentioned WI/WO. She's quite able to understand now, so I wondered whether a more planned GW or change in our bedtime routine might work better for her? I just don't see her ever lying down on her own and popping off to sleep in her cot..... eg. we have a new dolly for Christmas, it's going to sleep in her room in it's own bed etc......maybe I'm mad, I do know this is driving me mad!
When you say 45 mins at naptime what do you do after that? Do you get up and try again later or just give up on nap altogether?
Sorry so many questions and I know you are busy with your own!! Thanks for your help