Skadiver I am not smart enough maybe you could post the question on the nap board - Bec and Erin helped me with long NW - it is true it took two months with adjusting her but she does not have them anymore. Now we have some other issues
When I read about your DS he sounds like my DD a little bit so I will tell you my experience with her. She has never had 1.30 hr naps or very rarely and never consistent- when she was supposed to have two naps each 1.30 hr. She could deal with A time as much as I push but I realized that one thing is with what she could deal with and another thing what is in some range IYKWYM? With help on NW board I decided instead of pushing A time (after certain time point) to cut naps (pm nap) - that was before transition - that is how we solve long NW
So I stopped at 4 hr A time, sometimes she does 4.10 hr but I always put her in bed like her A time is 4 hr. Week ago I started to cut am naps because she would sleep 2 hr in the morning or sometimes longer (not always) then she would refuse pm nap and NEVER accepted EBT - since we started with EASY. In addition we got EW plus nights became restless. Or she would have pm nap too late - I would wake her - otherwise she would be awake God know for how long before BT.
I can not put her in bed if she does not want to sleep - nothing works not even APOP. If I miss the window and put her in bed too late, God she could be awake... hyper... DH would say she is in the good mood but I could see that she is hyper not in the good mood.
I gave up aiming to have consistent naps and uniform sleeping - it has never been the case with her.
Why would you need to do APOP for am nap? Did I misunderstand something? Wake him after 45 min and next A time should be shorter - in our case is 2.5 - 3 hr, then let him sleep as long as he wants (they told me it should be at least 2 hr and we got it by now twice and today God she slept 2.5 hr - now I am worried what will be this night - long NW or some other trouble
) and make BT within 13 hr day (in our case it is always at least little bit later
) Of course that we are fighting with that part but I could see there is no more fights against pm nap or BT - not in such bad way
She will be 11 month old soon and I think it is still too early for one nap even though I was thinking she could deal with it....