I've been dairy free for about 4 years. I don't take a calcium supplement. I recently did some extensive testing with a naturpath. She tested a lot of my nutrient levels and my calcium level was actually above the "normal" range (not in a bad way--just that my level was not only adequate, but better than average).
You might check out this link with some lists of food that are high quality sources of calcium:
http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=nutrient&dbid=45 (Em--nuts are not on there. I don't think I've ever heard of those as a particularly good calcium source.)
Sesame seeds are on the list--they can be ground up and added to things. You can use tahini (sesame seed paste) to make hummus or as a spread. I'm not sure I love the taste.
We also make our own chicken stock. I have read that a cup of homemade chicken stock has as much calcium in it as a class of milk. I don't know if that's true or not, but I've read it. You put a chicken carcass in a pot. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and cover with cold water. Let it sit for 1/2 an hour, then bring to a boil, reduce and let simmer for 1-12 hours. You can also add: salt, carrot chunks, celery, onion, baby leaves, pepper corns, kelp for additional flavor. when done simmering, strain off the liquid. Let it cool in the fridge; skim off the fat that rises to the top; use to cook, etc. The vinegar leaches the calcium and other mineral from the bones, making your stock very nutrient dense.
We do also eat broccoli often and I try to eat leafy greens often, but I'm not as faithful about it as I should be.
I do honestly think that all the dairy/calcium hype is a really thorough and well-done advertising campaign by the dairy industry. We're all paranoid that if we don't eat dairy we'll end up with osteoporosis but I have read that the countries with the least osteoporosis are actually those where dairy is rarely consumed. I recently read a vegan book arguing that animal proteins (including dairy) create an acid state in our bodies which actually leaches calcium, so the net effect of consuming dairy is actually a negative for calcium reserves. I don't know if that's valid or not, but there are societies around the world who do not drink cow's milk and they do just fine.
My kids do also take this L'il critters calcium supplement:
http://www.vitacost.com/lil-critters-calcium-gummy-bears-with-vitamin-d3-fruit-swirl?csrc=GPF-PA-027917256603&ci_sku=027917256603&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw={keyword}&gclid=COq9mqiunbQCFcaDQgodUhcAvQSo . . . . my bottom line . . . . I wouldn't sweat the calcium issue much.