Hi Barbara, thank you so much for taking the time to post. I have to admit my first thought is OT, but as he is a LO who always handles OT well, it's hard to read him sometimes. I have actually done as you suggest, by allowing longer naps every now and then, because he is so so very hard to wake from his naps, which also points out to me OT, but then he will need longer to BT resulting in a long day which tends to backfire with NW's anyway, so as a plan moving forward, it isn't really an option. I do suspect that the heavy cold has something to do with it TBH. When I stay with him at BT as long as he has had a 6 hour A time after the 1 hour nap, he is asleep within 5 to 10 mins, which tells me that he isn't UT, because when he is UT, it's very hard to get him to stay in his bed, where as when he is OT he lies down well but his arms flail around until he is asleep.
I suspect whether UT or OT, that the fastest way to help him CU may be to cut the nap back to 45 mins and then hope that he is more tired at night to prevent the NW's and possibly extend his night, or like I say at least sleep through. In the past I have always WI/WO at NW's and he has accepted that when like you suggest I tell him everyone is sleeping right now including Mammy, but because he is now shouting at the top of his lungs when I go back to bed, I have been giving in, because it's impossible for anyone to sleep during that going on, and DH is so busy with studying and working, that he really needs his sleep too.
I think for sure I will ST again, but I think I will wait until after Christmas is over. One thing I have noticed though, is a positive difference in his behaviour when he has had a longer nap. It's so hard to know what to do for the best, but as I said before, my patience won't allow for those super late BT due to a longer nap, so I know as a family it is best for us all for him to be in bed at a reasonable time.
Thanks again, I think I need to think it over.