I've jut registered looking for info for a similar problem. My daughter is 12 weeks old and will feed for about 5 mins at a time but usually wants to feed every 2.5hrs during the day. She can sometimes be distracted by taking her out in car or buggy cos she falls asleep and she sleeps well at night, normally waking between 2.30 and 5am and then possibly at 6.30am if she had an early morning feed.
If being held she does like to be upright with the person holding her standing up, she no longer seems to like being held while sitting down but seems happy to sit in her own chair at either elevation, neither elevation is flat, it's either reclined or a bit more upright lol. She sleeps in the pram attachment for the buggy which is flat on the floor and she doesn't seem to mind that at all.
She does get regular hiccups and has had ever since I was pregnant, sometimes they do sound wet. She sometimes spits up milk after feeding, even after quite a while.
I'm thinking all this sounds quite like reflux, yes?
What sort of timings would you work with for a refluxy baby? She won't stick with the 3 hour routine she should be on. I've tried giving her one breast then waiting a while before giving her the other but she still wont take it, then she wakes up hungry. I know she's getting enough food cos her weight gain is bang on the 25th centile and always has been. Should I just continue with a 2.5 hour routine and feed her more often with shorter naps and hope that she outgrows it or should I be trying to get her on to a 3hr cycle ready to change to a 4hr cycle when she gets to 4 months? I did notice one of the tips on the website was to add cereal to the bottle but in the book Tracy says she categorically doesn't recommend this. Besides, Grace wont take milk from a bottle, not even EBM.
Any suggestions?