Author Topic: Struggling to identify food intolerances  (Read 4156 times)

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Re: Struggling to identify food intolerances
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 03:02:57 am »
Ill PM you some recipies.
That'd be great! And considering goat cheese is my very favorite... I'll have to keep that in mind for the future! Sounds incredible. And are we talking the small sugar pumpkins here? I think I never used them because I was overwhelmed by the size of the squash. But I loooooove butternut squash so I'm betting I would also really enjoy pumpkin!

BuntyBear - Thanks for the reply. I really don't know. Her face rash is better, but still not clear. But that may just need more time. Her poop has been all over the place and we just had some blood today for the first time in a while. But honestly, even though I've tried to be exceptionally careful with what I've eaten, I may have missed something or messed up somewhere with our traveling for the holidays. Her reflux seems to be better though, so that's good! And I did cut out the coffee, and just determined I should cut out the wine as well. I'm of the mind that less than a glass on occasion is no big deal late PG and while BFing. And I stupidly (I'm even embarrassed to admit this) thought that because grapes were likely an okay food, allergy wise, that wine would be fine as well. But my sister (who just went through this with an ED last year) explained that it's more the acid in wine that would be of concern given the reflux. I felt so dense. Duh.

And you're right. I need to find my safe treat! My DH and I are foodies I'd say, and I'm a comfort eater so this has been a bit hard. While it's good for me not to look to food treats on hard days, it's still hard to break that habit at this time. And to do so cold turkey at that! So you felt that non dairy chocolate was safe? Do you mean carob or do you just mean like really dark chocolate? I've been having little pieces of very dark (no dairy on the label as far as I can tell) chocolate as my one possibly cheating treat. And once I am back on wheat (hopefully!) I will return to ask you about these biscuits you mention. But for now, I'm wheat free as well.

Thanks for the thoughts and suggestions! I'm hoping to just do my best while out of town for the week and then we're eagerly awaiting our appointment with the pediatric allergist on the 8th of January to hopefully begin to really figure this out!

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Re: Struggling to identify food intolerances
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2012, 08:48:44 am »
Those Rocky roads  were made with gluten free biscuits! Have a really good look in your local store for options. In the UK, There are now loads of foods for allergy sufferers.