I have no idea what to do ladies and need some eyes... I can't see the forest for the trees at this point
I just know that something is wonky and I need to tweak to get us back on track ASAP for the sanity of everyone involved
So, DD was happy on this for 4-5 months...
Wake 620-645am (generally more like 630am)
Nap 1230-230pm capped, alternated with the odd day of nap start 1245pm (generally on the rare times she slept until 645am!)
BT 730pm... settled within 10-15 mins at most. Latest asleep time 745 though rare!
She was poorly just before time change and we were in a big UT/OT mess but I got us turned around and a new routine emerged successfully!
Wake 645/7am
Nap 1-3pm (sometimes 130-330)
BT 8pm.... settled within 10-15 mins - asleep no later than 805pm
I have not changed her BT routine or nap wind down at all... but we are a mess!
Suddenly, I have crazy nap resistance with screaming the house down, total refusals etc.. when she finally naps, it's closer to 2pm some days and then I wake her 345pm at the latest... her naps are restless (OT?) and then BT is 8pm and she takes an age to fall asleep (UT/OT?) The time between nap end and BT is a sh!t show... hard to amuse her, she won't play independently (and normally does quite well!).. clingy etc...
I thought it was the start of the 1-0 so have let her skip nap a few times... She still does fine with a 11.5-12 hr day (I will put her to bed 615/630pm these days)... she will sleep ~12hrs overnight but OMG - she is a mess all morning until she naps... I generally can get her down easily by 1pm if she has skipped the day before's nap... and she is in a right state until she naps... then her nap will be so disrupted complete with OT wake ups at transition that I have to APOP her back down!
We are getting nowhere fast!
I have tried:
1. earlier naps - resistance is crazy! But maybe she has some accumulated OT?
2. later naps - screaming hot mess when she is woken, clearly still tired.
3. meds - has 1 of her 2yr molars and the others are on the move though she is still eating fine and rarely gives her teething signs... meds made no difference to her nap or settling at BT.
She skipped her nap yesterday and slept 620-610am... super cranky all morning... put her down at 1pm and she woke at 205pm - APOPd back to sleep as she wouldn't settle on her own.. back to sleep 215 - rough transition at 3pm.. cried out but resettled herself... woke her at 340pm after such a terrible nap... super cranky until BT at 8pm... took until 845pm to go to sleep... expect a true EW tomorrow.