Hmm you've stopped the pill in order to ttc... Pg already, perhaps?
Well I just stopped keeping track of it all, had a welcome break recently but can't say how long it was, light bleeding again now... Still BF twice a day, although she never likes the left side when snotty or teething or the wind's blowing in the wrong direction... Starting to wonder when I'm planning to stop now
I'm sure by this age, DS had dropped the morning one of his own accord and was getting patchy as to whether he wanted the BT one, whereas DD is usually still keen on both. DS finally told me "no Mummy milk" at 25mo and that was it, so that's not far now really for DD, but I think she'll continue longer, and I think I'm happy for that, no plans to deliberately wean her just yet, but perhaps i won't feel the same way in a year's time
Who else is still here? Anyone have a weaning age in mind, or just wanting to continue until LO no longer wants it, whenever that may be? Still enjoying those snuggles