Hi everyone,
DS is 5 months 1 week, and now entirely formula fed for last month or so. He has always been difficult to feed hence I gave up on the bf early this time. He is really still sooooo difficult to feed. At night he does much better, after 6pm he will take 4-6 oz and for the df and nf the same, in fact he wakes for a feed 4 hrly on the dot lately.
By day its completely different. This morning he wouldnt even let the bottle come anywhere near him, and his last feed was 02.30 so its not that he is full up. Commonly for his first feed he may eventually take 0-2 oz over the space of1-2hrs. For his other day feeds he will commonly take up to 3oz then stop, you literally cant get him to take any more, he just fights it cries turns his head etc.
We have previously tried gaviscon when he was a few weeks old but no difference. Also I have used comfort formulas but as they are thicker and you need a faster teat he's not happy with that and comes out too slow through a medium teat so he gets frustrated. We are using MAM 2 teats, the 3 is really much faster, and C+G first milk.
I dont think its a distraction issue I've tried feeding in a quiet room etc same thing. Also I dont think its that hes just filling up at night he is probably stil having less than his requirements at night. Any ideas gratefully received thanks Becky x