Hello girls, a little update.
We took DD2 on Monday with the dentist expert in TT for an assessment. She was indeed TT from the tongue and upper lip.
While the doctor (pretty amazing doctor btw) was explaining all the problems babies and moms suffer from BF'ing with TT I had so many "aha" moments that finally explained why we are having such a problem with Bf'ing.
All we were experiencing, part of the TT issues are: Cracked nipples njot healing, dry lips for baby, low milk supply, poor latch, upper lip pinching breast, gassy baby from all the air she swalows, etc etc.
They did the laser procedure, it was very fast and DD2 did great. I can tell the difference in her mouth she can open wider and is able to move her tongue freely in all directions.
The latch is still very painfull as my nipples are still opened and cracked. I still have to use the nipple shield.
I'm going to see again my lactation consultant tomorrow so she can help DD2 re-learn how to latch effectively w/o bitting mom.
I'm so hoping for this to be the solution, it makes sense that things have to improve from now on...fingers crossed. I just need my nippes to heal FAST.
Thanks for all your support!!