The last 2 nights have been crazy. I'm sure it's teething, but his naps have gone to complete hell, and his nights...don't even get me started! 2 nights ago I ended up feeding twice, once at 1am for a 5oz feed, and then he woke at 4am screaming bloody murder. He screamed for an hour and a half until I finally decided to feed him again and he took an additional 6oz then finally fell asleep. Growth spurt? Seems like an odd time for that, or maybe just not reacting well to 3 bottles instead of 4? Last night he woke at 12:45am and I settled him back to sleep, but he woke again about an hour later so I fed 5oz. He then woke every 1.5 - 2hrs for the rest of the night.
To top it off, on Saturday morning he woke up absolutely covered in a red rash all over his tummy and back. I was not sure if it was related to the Stage 2 formula as he had only been on it for about 2 days, so I switched him back to the Stage 1 immediately. I wouldn't think that a formula switch would do that, but I certainly am not an expert in these things, so I just went back to what we knew. The only other change was that I had given him a little bit of cheese the day before, so it could be a reaction to that.
I am a little worried that he isn't getting enough formula, I can usually get him to take 8oz at BT, and about 7oz for his wake up feed, but the middle bottle is the tricky one. I think I am giving it to him too soon after lunch, but I'm not sure how else to space it out?
6:30am - wake up (7oz)
8am - breakfast
AM Nap - 9:30am - 10:45am
12pm - lunch
1:30pm - bottle (varies between 6 - 7oz)
PM Nap - 1:45 - 3:45 (except for the last few days, it's been closer to 1hr 15mins)
5pm - dinner
7pm - bottle (8oz)