We are still having a hard time getting 20oz into him during the day. Overall I think he reaches that point with the NF, but not with only daytime feeds. Today was 5oz, 7oz, 5oz. I would say our daytime bottles are usually 16 - 18 oz, and then I've been trying to to reduce his NF (I did 3oz last night), but I feel guilty trying to wean the NF if he's taking so little during the day.
I am wondering if maybe I went to 3 bottles too soon? He is a small baby, only in the 10th percentile for weight and length, so I am wondering if it is just hard for him to take an 8oz bottle all in one shot? He seems content and happy, he's never crying because of hunger or anything, so I don't know if what we are doing is okay, or if we should try going back to 4 feeds? I don't think he's taking too much solids either, so...hmmm. I'm a conflicted Mama!