Author Topic: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?  (Read 6617 times)

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Offline Kellyshe

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How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« on: December 28, 2012, 00:12:53 am »
I'm starting a dairy, soy, and gluten free diet (rarely eat nuts or eggs so might as well throw that in to the mix).

How ling until I notice a difference with LOs sleep, poos, etc?  I'm guessing his also means my freezer stash is rubbish.

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 00:19:44 am »
It can take up to 3 weeks for a full improvement, sometimes even longer to get nice poos. It takes some time for the proteins to leave your system and then to leave his. After that his gut will need to heal.

But you should start seeing a difference in overall well-being and sleep within a week I'd say. I saw a dramatic improvement on day 2 but it's not always this quick.

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 01:26:00 am »
Thanks.  Another quick question... If avoiding soy, is it better to not to eat GF oatmeal that say packed in a plant that has tree nuts and soy (or something like that?)?  I took one mouthful and then read the bag and hady husband finish the rest.

Also, is it possible that there could be an allergy to mothers milk tea?  I know anythings possible.  Just don't drink it just in case? 

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2012, 01:29:21 am »
For the first 2 weeks, I'd be extra careful... just to be sure. Then after those initial 2 weeks I'd be more lax, try it and see if she reacts.  But that's just my own approach, some people like to start with a less restrictive diet, and add to it only if it becomes necessary, kwim?

I've looked up mothers milk tea, it looks fine to me but I dunno it could always be that she's reacting to it. But I'd say it's unlikely IMHO.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2012, 01:36:03 am »
I saw improvement by 3 days too. :-*

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Kellyshe

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 21:17:34 pm »
Hey ladies....quick update.  Definitely a food allergy as confirmed by pediatric GI doc testing her moucousy diaper, confirming the presence of blood.  (my LO was so kind to make a fresh specimen right as we got to the office).

I've been on the ED for 10 days.   How should I know if its helped.  We are going to test her stool again in like 2-3 weeks.  If it hasn't improved, allimentium is the next step.

Do you think a month is long enough to see a difference in her stool?

Offline ENMS

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2013, 02:04:05 am »
what did the doctor say about still having blood and mucous in diaper despite being on ED for 10 days?

have you seen an overall improvement?

I think if in 2-3 weeks she is still having blood then yes I would be concerned, but I'm guessing (not an expert here) that 10 days can be a possibility since the gut will need to heal once all the proteins exit her system.

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2013, 13:40:22 pm »
Hey ladies.   Back again.  So here's what's going on.  We are getting better sleep at night, but I'm not sure if its because the pediatric GI increased her Zantac (jan 4th), we are exclusively pumping and bottle feeding, or that she is sleeping in a car seat (more upright).  This all happened at once. 

I have been exclusively pumping since jan3-4 so 10 days.  Her stool is still green and mucousy.  I've been on the elimination diet for 19 days now.  Am I losing this battle here?  Am I holding out for something that isn't going to happen?

We are having a hard time getting her to take the bottles.  She drinks 2oz and isn't interested.  I don't know if this is because I'm feeding her too often (3 hourly), or the reflux thing. 


PS.  She will be 16 weeks on Tuesday.

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2013, 17:17:25 pm »

We never had a problem with mucous in nappies but as far as I understnad it this can one of the last things to clear. The bowel is irritated and this takes a while to stop getting irritated and then to heal properly.


Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2013, 19:11:52 pm »
Her stool is still green and mucousy.  I've been on the elimination diet for 19 days now.  Am I losing this battle here?  Am I holding out for something that isn't going to happen?
hugs. I would have thought you would see some improvement by now. But that said some ladies find their LOs stools don't come right for weeks. Behaviorally has she improved? ie less tummy pain you think?

When you say she is sleeping in the car seat...this isnt at night is it?

We are having a hard time getting her to take the bottles.  She drinks 2oz and isn't interested.  I don't know if this is because I'm feeding her too often (3 hourly), or the reflux thing. 
The same thing is happening in our house ATM and if I feed 3,3.5,4 hrly it doesnt matter the volume taken is the same. It sounds like a reflux flare or reflux pain YK? - They feed just enough to take the hunger away, before it starts to hurt. When you say uninterested if you re offer does she fuss on the bottle?

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

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Offline Kellyshe

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2013, 01:14:18 am »
She has been sleeping in the car seat overnight.  I just bought a sleep wedge with a sling that were trying tonight. 

As for her eating, sometimes she's hubgry at 3 hours, other times not.  I think we need to follow her lead rather than the clock on this one. 

As for behavior, she is sleeping better at night and has fallen asleep in the car rather than crying the whole time.  But if we miss the Zantac dose, you can tell (DH giving it to her now as she was fussing for the night bottle).

In order to get her to drink her bottle, we sometimes have to walk around with her (motion seems to help).  She still toots but perhaps not as often as before or at least not as uncomfortable for her as before. 

While I know lactose intolerance is rare, I'm wondering if that could also be an issue.  I know we tried colief once before and she really slept well the night we gave it to her.  Can't hurt to ask the pediatric GI doc about it.

As for the bottle...she really likes to direct her eating....she pulls the bottle in and out if her mouth as if to pause and take a breather.  She was a slow nurser so I guess she's a slow bottle feeder.  Other times she takes 2 oz and says I'm done.  I haven't figured out what the deal is but we may have given her too much milk the feed before (were still trying to gauge how much to give at each bottle). 

Its all exhausting.

Offline ZacsMumme

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2013, 01:31:38 am »
Hugs, I truly know how you feel :-*
Here's some tips for feeding that you may find helpful.

If she gives hunger cues then I would also go with her as to when to feed. If she doesn't, or always seems hungry 3-3.5hrs is a good timeframe so she isn't starving and gulps it down then gets sick.

I really would try to get her out of the carseat at night. It isn't a safe place for her to sleep. Even a baby seat or swing would put her in a safer position to sleep in.

DS1 - Our sensitive soul. Silent reflux.

DS2 Our cheeky chipmunk. Reflux, MSPI.

Offline ENMS

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2013, 01:59:35 am »
While I know lactose intolerance is rare, I'm wondering if that could also be an issue.  I know we tried colief once before and she really slept well the night we gave it to her.  Can't hurt to ask the pediatric GI doc about it.

Definitely ask about it, it is rare, but you never know. Though now you're dairy free right?

(((hugs))) I agree it is very exhausting... it will get better though, hang in there and use as much as help as you can from friends and family.

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2013, 05:44:56 am »
While I know lactose intolerance is rare, I'm wondering if that could also be an issue.  I know we tried colief once before and she really slept well the night we gave it to her.  Can't hurt to ask the pediatric GI doc about it.

Definitely ask about it, it is rare, but you never know. Though now you're dairy free right?

(((hugs))) I agree it is very exhausting... it will get better though, hang in there and use as much as help as you can from friends and family.

It's very rare, but not unheard of!  I just figured out that my 26 month old is LI at some level... fine with cheese, yogurt etc.. milk is a big no!

Offline Kellyshe

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Re: How long before noticing any improvement with ED?
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2013, 16:02:42 pm »
I did some reading about lactose intollerance and I'm not sure that's it.  Wouldn't eliminating ALL dairy eliminate that as a possibility?  I really thought by pumping full time that it would turn the poo from green to yellow by now.

Please take a look at what I"m eating and let me know if I'm missing something:  My staples are as follows:

chicken, pork, texmati rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yellow squash, string beans, carrots, celery, pears, grapes, apples, bananas, potato chips (not cooked in vegetable oil or canola oil), apple sauce (natural), red beets, rice milk, rice cereal.

I have not cut out my prenatal vitamin.  I am taking a calcium suppliment that is free of all allergens (dairy, soy, wheat, etc), and I take a fish oil/Vit D supplement, but I'm not sure if the fish oil/Vit D is allergen free (I'm also not sure about my prenatal vitamin).

Should I have cut the vitamins out?