Author Topic: Colic - Aptamil Comfort - Constipation - Please Help!!!!!!!!!  (Read 16085 times)

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Offline NewMum30

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Colic - Aptamil Comfort - Constipation - Please Help!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 29, 2012, 13:06:51 pm »
Hello All
I breast fed for the first 8 weeks and had to stop due to mastitis LO has alway suffered from really bad trapped wind. Health Visitor said its Colic. No matter how long I wind for in what position I get nothing!! :o(
I started on Aptamil 1 and LO still continued to suffer from Colic at 10 weeks so I changed to Aptamil Comfort a week ago she is now 11 weeks and appears very slightly better (not crying as much) however she used to poo everyday at around 11am and now only goes every 3 days the poo is green thick sludge and then after that a flood of the 'normal' Korma type comes out.
I've tried every anti colic under the sun apart from a chiropractor (which I'm going to look into)
We were saying yesterday how she seemed better only to be pacing the floor with her screaming for 2 hours at midnight full of wind - it's heartbreaking! :(
The only thing I didn't give a proper try is Colief as it was so hard to put drops in 30mins before.
Does anyone make bottles up in advance and store in fridge as if using coleif you can put 2 drops in and do this. Howe er I read that you have to wean of Coleif for some reason?
And also comfort milk is a different consistency?
Sorry for rambling - so upsetting to see her in pain and hate messing about with things as I wonder is it making things worse? :(
Questions are -
does anyone else use Aptamil Comfort and experience constipation and what do you do?
Do you make bottles up in advance?
Any experience of Coleif?

Please Help

Offline Lolly

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Re: Colic - Aptamil Comfort - Constipation - Please Help!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 14:03:44 pm »
I used Aptamil Easy Digest formula with my DD (and Cow & Gate Comfort with her brother), it is a thicker formula in the bottle - are you using a faster teat with it, if you aren't that could be causing some of the wind as she will need to be sucking too hard. Which bottles are you using? Dr Brown's are really good at reducing the amount of wind they take in. 

Comfort formula does make their poo turn khaki green, I think it even mentions it on the box! There is a stool softener in the formula so she shouldn't be constipated on it but it can take a while to adjust to a new formula so you may find that settles down. Going every three days isn't a problem if she isn't in discomfort, if she is straining and upset then I would discuss it with your Dr.

With regard to the colief, I didn't try it but the formula you are on now is a much lower lactose formula so it probably won't make a huge difference really. Have you considered the posibility of reflux rather than colic? Have a look at this link and see if anything rings a bell 
Reflux 101 - General reflux information. If it does I would go and discuss it with your Dr.

Does that help?


Offline NewMum30

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Re: Colic - Aptamil Comfort - Constipation - Please Help!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 09:30:43 am »
Tankyou so much for replying! We hit it head on and tried comfort formula, dr brown bottles and Coleif - seems to be a bit of an improvement! I too wondered about reflux but she doesn't seem to match the symptoms. Going to see how we go over the next week and maybe go back to the Doctor
Thanks again xxxxx

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Re: Colic - Aptamil Comfort - Constipation - Please Help!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 17:11:44 pm »
Hi my baby started on the aptimal 1 them we tried the comfort as had really bad colic . It helped a little . We put our son on dr brown bottles too but still no improvement. This is my 5th child so quite used to dealing with colic as my other daughter had it.
My son never pooed on this milk he cried for hours trying to go . So we switch brands to sma gold ! Wow he was a different baby still had a little colic, so we tried the new advent bottles and colif drops they r great. The only problem was the 40 min wait. We made a bottle up a hr b4 feed and put 2 drops in popped in fridge ready for baby's feed. Had no problems. Good luck let me know how u get on.
How old is baby ?