So dd1 is 4, dd2 is 2.5.
Dd1 is pretty good but her diet is quite limited, dd2 is bad and getting worse. She point blank will NOT try anything new, full stop. And the worst thing is, if she doesn't like something that's on her plate she immediately takes it off and will throw it on the floor if I try putting it back on her plate. She will not be cajoled, convinced, bribed

, nothing.
I feel like their meals are so repetitive and also dd1 is losing out b/c I end up catering to dd2 and not broadening dd1's "eating horizons" as such

Meals/foods they will both eat: spag Bol (which I hide veges in as dd2 will not touch them otherwise) roast-both eat meat (chicken, beef, pork, turkey) roast potatoes, dd1 will eat broccoli and carrots too, and they both love gravy. They will eat chicken pie (home made) too. And they like fish fingers and chips.
Dd1 loves pasta and will happily eat it for every meal but is not mad on sauce so it's pretty boring and plain, she also loves rice and is pretty good with meat. Dd2 loves meat, real meat like chicken, streak etc. Dd2 will NOT eat vegetables other than tomatoes and cucumbers and v occasionally a raw carrot.
I'm sick of making the same meals and want to get them both to expand, but how can I fairly go about this without "starving" dd2? How should I react to food literally being removed if she doesn't like the look of it? I reeeeaaalllly don't want meals to be an issue or to be fighting her the whole time.
Any thoughts or ideas most welcome