Hi Hun,
We did think about capping the nap but since she is having 9 hour nights, I am worried she might get into an OT loop again.
I totally understand this BTDT (been there done that) and it's very hard to wake a shattered LO, but in me experience (IME) it is the lesser of 2 evils, to lengthen the night and to prevent the EW. However shortening the day may be necessary in order for her to tack on night sleep, so I would keep an eye on her near BT and trust your Mother's Instinct (MI) on that one
There is definetly language development (massive, as she is exposed to three langauges and all of them are coming out simultaneously!).
This may be hard now, but WOW! how fantastic! Where are you located, and what languages is she learning I worked in Spain, so I have (had) conversational Spanish, so I am keen to expose DS to this, as he is crazy about words and has been a very early talker, so his English vocabulary and his talking are way beyond his years at the moment
My real concern is the apparent prop that we have created with us having to be there, talking, singing or tapping
I think Gradual Withdrawal could really suit her Hun, and I would recommend you start that as soon as possible. Without Independent sleep skills, it is much harder to know what her sleep needs are and figure out the right routine to suit.
If you want to do this I can take you through it step by step if you need me to. Lots of us find that our IS go wonky at all different stages of development and it is hard to take, because it feels like such a huge step back, I know this because I have struggled with it, but it's just one of those things, and unfortunately can be ongoing through so many different regressions. However a previously ST LO is usually much quicker to catch on, once you start to ST again
Any thoughts