Stinky 1-0!!
I have no solid advice. When we got to this point I just dropped it altogether and eventually he capped on to nights after about 2 weeks. My way of thinking was that when he woke at night from OT he was much easier to settle again as he was genuinally tired kwim? The UT wakings were marathon and I couldn't handle the residual OT during the day.
Once we got to less than an hour for naps it was a pain waking him, he would be terribly grumpy for at least an hour afterwards. I would do quiet time on the sofa with a DVD and sometimes he would fall asleep there for a while. The wakings from the sofa seemed less harsh, kinda like he didn't even know he had been asleep!
The transition is awful however which way you do it. There will be always be OT. I feel like B was overtired for months through that transition. When he was 3.5 he randomly went back to napping every other day for 2 hours, in his bed. He just dropped that agaon over Christmas. Twas a joyous few months!