Author Topic: transition from 3 hour easy to 4  (Read 1208 times)

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Offline natalie362

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transition from 3 hour easy to 4
« on: January 04, 2013, 14:40:45 pm »
Hi all,

My baby is now 16 1/2 weeks old and i'm starting the routine to increase his feed times from every 3 hour to 4. I am following the plan created by Tracey, giving him 5 feeds plus a dream feed which will reduce to 4 plus the dream feed. currently he has 6oz at every bottle apart from the DF where he usually only takes 3 oz. Do I need to increase the amount of feed per bottle in order for him to make the transition easily? He often drains the 6oz bottle but is settled in between the 3 hour feeds.


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Re: transition from 3 hour easy to 4
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 04:05:44 am »
Hi Natalie :)  Welcome to BW!

I found that DD would take an ounce more fairly easily when I pushed her feeds out... 

As a general rule, if he is draining a bottle, you should be adding an ounce to the feeds anyways so maybe give that a try with his first feed in the morning - if he takes a full 7 ozs, he will likely go 3 hrs 30 mins fairly easily and then should take another 7 ozs since it's been longer between feeds, make sense?

You don't really want his total intake for the day to drop so it's a good idea to shift those ounces around a bit.