Hi there:
DD is a 4.5m old EBF refluxer, and a poor sleeper. Trying for a 4h routine (maybe should stick to 3.5h?? DD no longer give me hunger cues... so confused), definitely for at least 1:30, max 2:00 A time, and many cases of EASAS or EASAEAS during the day, due to 30-45-50 min naps.
In different threads I heard about topping off LO for better naps. I´d like to give it a go, since DD seems to have introduced crying for boob in our wind down. Nevertheless, I have a lot of questions about it.
1) Each E time DD is offered only one breast. If I do top off, should I keep offering the same breast or the other?
2) I´ll go back to work in 2 months, so this cannot become a prop. She already uses a paci. How to prevent topping off becoming a prop?
3) If she will be offered a top off, isn't there a risk for her to become a snacker? She is already a super efficient eater, with 6 - 8 minutes off focused feeding, and another 10 - 12 minutes coming and going, distracted by my beautiful brown eyes, or the stretches in my boobs....
4) how long should top off last?
5) When I do go back to work, the person that stays with her will be able to top off with other things, such as juice?
6) As she is a refluxer, and usually stays 20 min up after feeds, do I have to do keep her up for the same time when topping off?
That is what occurs to me now. got to go to try to extend a nap.