3 weeks ago I would have said she a great eater now:
Up-4oz of almond milk and "fruit salad" , it just what ever fruit I have in the house cut a put into a bowl (this is with both girls as a hold off so I can get up ,make coffee, get myself dressed, change ALyssa's bum, get them dressed. I can smoke
, then we all sit down at the table for breakfast. Plus I can get their 1st pooops of the day out of the way before 9 am)
1hr later breakfast- oatmeal/eggs and toast/waffles with strawberries and or blueberries/ cold cereal (rice crispies or pain Cheerios in almond milk or apple juice)- eats half of whatever I make her
Snack- bread or crackers/ cheese or yogurt and one fruit (apple or orange)- eats 3/4 this
Lunch- always asks for a peanut butter and jam and honey sandwhich- now eats half
Snack- Same as 1st snack- eats half
Supper- meat or fish and potato or rice and 2 veggies- 2 bites
Bedtime snack- butter on bread or oatmeal/4oz of almond milk- eats 90% of it.
She gets 1-2 cups of veggie/fruit juice a day and meals are always with water. I or dh or both of us are at the table for every single meal, snack are where ever, and Em is allowed to eat in the livingroom when Alyssa is napping.
She did have treat over load during x-mas and it got very very bad but all the junk is gone and i havn't bought anymore so she knows "treats" are not a option. All she says now is thats yucky and I am not eating that at all.