Author Topic: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings  (Read 2053 times)

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I have perusing many postings with the hope that I can figure my LO out, but I can't quite seem to pull my thoughts together.  I would be so appreciative of your help.  Here's the story:

I am at my wit’s end.  I have an almost 5.5 month old son who is having difficulty sleeping .  After he was born, we were plugging along and I had been BFing exclusively…  He had been waking up around 2:00am plus or minus an hour for quite a while.  I would feed him and put him back down.  The problem was that from that point on, he would be up at least every hour.  I thought that maybe he didn’t need that feeding (he was always falling asleep during it) and that perhaps I was overfeeding him and the result was gas.  So, I stopped feeding him at that time, substituting a pacifier, but the behavior continued…  I introduced the dream feed at 11 weeks to try to eliminate the concern that he may be waking up hungry…  I pumped before going to bed and added some formula to supplement.  It never made a bit of difference…  I told myself that it helped me because I knew he wasn’t waking up hungry, but it never helped him sleep better or last longer at night…  I have tried at least four formulas thinking that the formula was the problem, but  I haven’t seen any difference.  Meanwhile, he has been chewing on things and drooling since he was two months old.  When I brought that up at his four month appointment I ended up feeling foolish because the doctor said that he is not teething (my daughter had two teeth by 3 months so I thought that was a possibility!) and that he was hungry and that I should introduce solid food.  So, I introduced baby oatmeal.  It has not made a bit of difference.  He is not sleeping better during the day or at night.  When I went online I ended up finding all sorts of information regarding NOT introducing solid foods before 6 months and now I feel as though I’ve done something terribly wrong.  Perhaps his little system was not ready for food?!?  He is currently having oatmeal or rice cereal mixed with breastmilk and/or purified water at lunch time only (my doctor had recommended giving it to him at night to help sustain him, but that seemed to make him sleep even worse).  So here we are approaching the 5.5 month mark.  I do think he is ready for food as he no longer has the reflex of pushing the food out, but I feel completely at a loss.  How did my daughter survive me?!?  My little man has been waking up at 1:30am  and then up at least every two hours from that point on.  Is it gas?  I don’t know.  I try pumping his legs and massaging his belly, but I RARELY get gass out.  I’ve tried Mylicon and gripe water, but he does not sleep better….  Sometimes I think it’s not gas at all and I’m just irritating the poor little guy by rubbing his belly, but then, after his morning feed, he sometimes passes quite a bit of gas.  The other night he was sleeping soundly (for a change) and my husband did the dream feed and the night was one of the worst he has had yet.  Up and crying in pain.  I thought I was going to lose my mind.  I decided to eliminate the dream feed altogether.  I’ve tried it since 11 weeks and he’s only ever gotten four nights (two occasions of two nights in a row) of decent sleep during that time (i.e., slept until about 3:00, took a pacifier and dropped off again until 5:00/5:30).  With and without the dream feed he wakes at 1:30.  Last Friday I decided to feed him when he woke up at 1:30 thinking perhaps he kept waking at that point because he was hungry.  BIG mistake.  He was up at least every hour and crying.  I’m at the stage where I don’t even know what I need help with.  I am going to answer the following questions with the hope that someone will help my sleep-deprived, and thus, very addled brain, sort it out.

How old is your child?
Almost 5.5 months

What’s his/her daily routine?
E – 5:30/6:00…  Occasionally, goes back to sleep after burping, but not always.  Weekdays, he will often take a 15 – 20 minute catnap in the car on the way to daycare if he didn’t fall back asleep after his morning feeding.
E – 8:00/8:30
S – 10:00 (~40 minutes)
E – 11:30 BF followed by cereal/fruit or veg combo
S – 1:00 (~40 minutes)
E – 3:00
(S) – On weekdays, he falls asleep for about 20-25 minutes on the car ride home
E – 5:30
S – Between 6:30 and 7:00

What’s nap routine?  Go to room, pull down shades, swaddle, sit quietly with pacifier and have a snuggle, put down…  LO typically nods off, then will wake and cry once or twice (I go back in to resettle him each time).

How long are naps? 40 minutes; His daycare provider has said that he occasionally has taken a 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon, but I’ve never seen that happen.

What's bedtime routine? Time?  He gets very fussy by the 6:30pm stage.  Bedtime routine is typically pull down shades, lay him down and sing a song while gently pumping legs and massaging tummy, swaddle, sit quietly with pacifier and have a snuggle, say his prayers, put him down.  He has eczema so we bathe him every other night.  On those nights he has a bathe and a massage with cream before the routine.  I try to put him down awake and then walk out and walk back in if he gives out.  On most nights we can barely get him to bed before he falls asleep, although he will cry once, many times twice before ultimately settling.

Do you bottle or breastfed??  Breastfeed.

How much? or how long? He doesn’t eat for long, typically no more than 10 minutes on one side.  I don’t know how much he gets when he first wakes up and at “dinner time” but during the day at work I pump around 6 ounces at 8am, 4 ounces mid-day, and 5 ounces at 3pm.

If breastfed.. one side or both?? One side per feeding.

How many wakes per night? Countless.  Just kidding.  Last night, for example, he crashed by 7:00 and had two sessions of crying that I walked back in for… one was within a few minutes of walking out, the next was about 20 minutes later.  He woke up at 9:00, 10:00, 2:00 (which was rare - he usually he wakes up at 1:30 – you could set a clock by it), 3:30, 4:30, 5:30.

What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? The last couple of nights (I used gripe water before bed) he didn’t really need to be picked up; he settled with his pacifier and while holding my hand.  This morning, around 4:00, his crying did escalate to the point that I picked him up and ended up massaging his belly.  He passed some gas, but only settled for about a half hour before waking again.

When you go to him/her is she fussing or crying? Or is it a mantra cry?  I am embarrassed to say that I don’t know.  This little man is my second and, fearing waking his older sibling, I don’t know that I’ve let him cry long enough to determine.  That said, if I think it through, I am pretty sure I can say that, as he’s going to bed, it’s a cry…  He starts fussing and quickly escalates into crying.  During the night I am a bit of a zombie and it may be fussing.  This morning at 4:00 was definite crying.

What have you tried to settle??  I used to pick him up, rub and pat his back or pump his legs if I thought it was gas.  I’ve taken him into bed next to me which often calms him down, but not always.  I have recently stopped taking him into bed because I know that ultimately, that is a short term solution that is helping me get some extra sleep, but is not helping him learn to sleep independently…  The last few nights I have given him his nuk (pacifier) and let him hold my hand when he reaches out for me.

What do you do for A time and how long is it?  I work full time so I don’t know what his activity time looks like at daycare although I am told it involves an activity center, a swing and a mat and looking at the other kids I'm sure!  At home on the weekends, he spends time doing tummy time on his mat, on his back on his mat, in an activity center and in a doorway bouncer as well as being held and being read books, looking at toys, etc.  His activity time, including burping time is typically an hour to an hour and half long at which point he starts fussing and rubbing his eyes.

Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones?  He has been drooling and chewing on things since two months, but no sign of teeth.  He is just on the verge of rolling over (He rolled over yesterday for the first time).  However, his sleeping has not been noticeably different. 

Have you introduced cereal? Why, how much, and how many times a day? (for LO’s under 6 months)  I introduced cereal after his four month appointment because the doctor told me he was most likely not sleeping and drooling excessively because he was hungry.  (Needless to say, I felt terrible!  Although now I think she was wrong…  Whole other story).  Anyway, he is a big boy - around 10 pounds at birth and 17.5 pounds at his four month appointment.  She suggested feeding him oatmeal at dinnertime which was a total bust.  He ended up sleeping worse.  He has been having one cereal feeding midday for lunch so that it has time to make its way through his little system.  I think now, reading all of these posts, that his system was not ready for food.  That said, I think he is now.  He no longer has the tongue thrust reflex pushing the food out.  He still only has it once a day during lunch, I have just increased the amounts.  He currently takes 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or rice with a tablespoon or two of pear or squash mixed with breastmilk and/or water.

Do they have a prop? If so what is it? YES.  His pacifier.  Pacifier use is new to me…  My daughter found her thumb at two months and slept through the night shortly thereafter.  He has found his thumb but does not seem remotely satisfied with it.  I don’t know what to do with the pacifier!  Whether to continue using it because he really seems to need it to soothe and hope that he is close to the age at which he’ll be able to pick it up himself and put it back in? 

Do they have a lovie?  No.

I would appreciate any and all advice.  Thank you so much.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 17:43:12 pm by babyzmom »

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 00:56:59 am »
Did I write far too much?!?!   ;)  I'm sure no one has the time to read such a long posting and yet, once I started writing, I couldn't stop!  I am feeling very overwhelmed and like I have lost the confidence I (thought I) had gained using baby whispering practices with my daughter.  Perhaps I just need to ask the following...

What could be the cause of so many night wakings?  What should I do when he wakes?

How do I get him to take longer day naps?

Should I be approaching solids differently?  Feeding him at different time?  Less food?

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2013, 02:14:12 am »
Hi there. You must be exhausted! There are lots of wonderful Mamas on here who I am sure can help you and your LO get some rest, things WILL get better! I am no expert but did notice a couple things...

He is awfully young to be having very much, if any, solids. Until age 1 solids are really just for fun and exploring new tastes. His main source of calories is still from, in his case, breastfeeding. Cereal is pretty tough on a LO's stomach too. Around 6 months might be a better time to offer some gentler foods to him. The Feeding Solids board has some great advice there.

I know that having him in daycare you don't have ( I am assuming here) much say on when he goes down to sleep but on the weekends you could try keeping him up a bit longer to get some more to get some more restorative naps. He may be having the odd good nap here and there from such rough nights but I notice you are only keeping him up around an hour or so. Typical A time for this age is closer to 2-2.25 hours. I know he probably looks tired enough to go to sleep and maybe go down easily but not enough to really get a restorative nap. By the end of the day he is wiped out from that and that doesn't help NW's!

I am assuming you are on wanting to work towards independent sleep? If so then looking at Shush/Pat for dealing with more of the NW's that way, as well as introducing that to him with his naps. ( Check out the FAQ at the top of this page). Generally speaking though, you would not NF more than you would feed in the day time.

If I were you I would cut out the oatmeal and stick to just little bits of easily digestible food, obviously having the perfect routine and what all won't help if he is in

I know how painful, (yes, PAINFUL), it can be to be so tired! Things will get better.

 I hope some of this helps, I totally understand having shaky confidence. My DD was totally different from my DS. They can be SO different!



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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2013, 19:01:33 pm »
Thank you SO much for your response.  I am very grateful.  Yes.  I am exhausted.  I look and feel as though I've aged five years in as many months!  :)  I will cut down the food consumption and eliminate the cereal altogether.  After reading so many postings saying that it's not good for a baby's system, why do doctors keep recommending it?  Is there a place where I can find a "suggested" routine for an almost 6 month old?  DS is still BFing about every three hours so I don't know how I'd fit in all that activity AND a nap...?  Perhaps I'm misreading his cues and shouldn't be feeding him that often?  Meanwhile, last night I had a lot on my mind so I think I was a bit more aware than I typically am in the middle of the night... and I think I noticed for the first time how much of a prop his pacifier is.  He was in pain last night and ultimately passed quite a bit of gas and pooped (probably a result of the food I gave him yesterday poor little guy), but even with a shh/pat I couldn't seem to settle him unless I put that nuk in his mouth!  :(  Also, he couldn't sleep unless he was holding my hand!  At first I felt panicky about that because I thought I was creating two props - the nuk AND my hand - but I think it was due to the pain he was in.  Also, my hand is less of a prop than my body because typically I would have just put him in bed with me so maybe that is progress...  Yes, my goal is independent sleep.  I really do want that for him!  I just have so many issues to tackle...  Thank you for your advice and suggestions for where to start!  :)  I am going to look through the Feeding Solids board and for info on Shush/Pat to make sure I'm doing it right!  I'll also try to find some info on weaning props. 

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2013, 19:13:56 pm »
I am glad you are feeling like you have somewhere to start, it can be overwhelming I know, and sleep deprivation does not help!!

After reading so many postings saying that it's not good for a baby's system, why do doctors keep recommending it?
NO idea! Poor babes!

Is there a place where I can find a "suggested" routine for an almost 6 month old?
Here is a good place to start...Sample EASY Routines from 0 - 13mths+

As far as the hand holding, maybe now is a good time to untroduce a comfort item? Like a small stuffed animal that he can hold? Or one of those tiny blankies with an animal head sewed on, you could offer that instead of your hand.

He could probably be going closer to 3.5 hours between feeds now.  I know in Tracy's books it says around 4 months to go to 4hr EASY but not all BF babies can pull that off.

My DD hooked onto a pacifier cuickly too, and it made a terrific mess for us. I made myself cut it up and throw it away, and posted here!! ;D I think it could be used in a wind-down to help him sort of "set the mood" but I am not sure then if you took it away if he would fire up or not.

As you change things some there will definitely be crying but as you are with him to help him work through things he WILL come around. It just takes time and consistency! Best of luck to you, we will all be here if you need further guidance :)



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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 22:18:35 pm »
Hi, I thought I would just pop on and mention a couple things that spring to mind in addition to the great advice you've already had from nevinsmama.

Have you tried offering the second side after he is finished feeding from the first? Many LOs need to start double feeding as they get older. Breast milk is higher than most solids in calories ounce for ounce so getting more breast milk into him will help if he is indeed hungry.

Ideally if he does a decent nap after a 2hr15 A time he will make it to 3hr45-4hrs before he needs another feed.

The paci is probably one of the reasons he is waking at night so often. Have you tried putting it in his hand and guiding it to his mouth to help him learn to replug it himself? If it is a prop it may well remain as such until he learns to replug it or you wean it.

Let me know if you didn't find the links on shh pat and weaning the paci and I will link them for you :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2013, 16:00:21 pm »
Thank you SO much nevinsmama and Ali.  I really appreciate your time and guidance.  Last night, DS didn't need my hand, but he DID need the pacifier over and over again.  Eek.  He became very fussy at 4:00 and holding my hand didn't help so I knew something more was going on.  Ultimately, I ended up feeding him.  Prior to that I let him cry for a minute or two while I was there with him so I could really try to listen to his cry.  I am embarrassed to admit that I don't know what his different cries mean.  I haven't spent enough time truly listening to him, :( instead assuming, based on his schedule, what was most likely wrong.  I vow to listen better since I think I actually "heard" him.  He ate and settled which is rare for him (typically if I feed him, he either totally passes out and gets gassy [in which case I think he was sucking because he was in pain to begin with] or he is wide awake and ready to start the day). 

Have you tried offering the second side after he is finished feeding from the first? Many LOs need to start double feeding as they get older. Breast milk is higher than most solids in calories ounce for ounce so getting more breast milk into him will help if he is indeed hungry.

I haven't tried him on the other side since very early days...  I tend to let him eat on one side until he bobs off or starts to fall asleep...  I'll also stop him if he's been eating for a while, but starts to look like he's battling gas.  He occasionally will latch back on after being burped, but most of the time if I put him on (same side) he will then bob on and off and start looking around the room, losing interest, etc.  I'll try to pay a bit more attention though for those instances where he doesn't seem satisfied...  The difficulty will be determining whether he's truly hungry or gassy...  He likes to suck!  :)  He wants to suck on things for hunger AND for pain...  Adds to the night difficulties...

The paci is probably one of the reasons he is waking at night so often. Have you tried putting it in his hand and guiding it to his mouth to help him learn to replug it himself? If it is a prop it may well remain as such until he learns to replug it or you wean it.

His nuk is a total prop.  OMG.  Last night he wanted it almost every hour and once popped into his mouth he passed right out.  I am on the fence about what to do...  Part of me wants to eliminate it all together since the poor little guy is obviously SO dependent on it and really needs another strategy to get him through the night.  The other part of me knows how relaxed he gets when sucking and am afraid to take it away both because I don't know how he would possibly go to sleep without it and I don't know if I'm denying a need to suck...?  Any thoughts?

In the meantime, I have looked through the boards and printed out information on schedules, introducing solids, shhh/pat, and removing props.  Yikes.  I have my work cut out for me.  Thankfully, it's all so interesting that, unlike most things these days, I probably won't fall asleep while trying to read it.  I think.  :)  Anyway, I'm hopeful that help in one area will help the others...

Thank you again.  :)

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2013, 22:41:25 pm »
Let us know if you have any more questions or feel free to post on the relevant board :)
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2013, 02:09:21 am »
  Part of me wants to eliminate it all together since the poor little guy is obviously SO dependent on it and really needs another strategy to get him through the night.  The other part of me knows how relaxed he gets when sucking and am afraid to take it away both because I don't know how he would possibly go to sleep without it and I don't know if I'm denying a need to suck...?  Any thoughts?

All I can share about this is mine and my daughter's experience with a paci, which was short lived and while taking it away ( I agree, this instant calming was nice!!) was a challenge, I am glad I cut it short before it got worse.  At 5 months I believe there is much less of a need to suck than with a NB so, if it were me, I would eliminate it and just put your energy into helping him settle with shush/pat etc..  There have been several things with my DD where I have also thought "How will she ever manage without this,or this, or that" But really, it is never as bad as the anticipation! Just my personal opinion!!!

This being said when I was struggling with her and the Paci another Mama on here shared about when her 5.5 month DD had already learned to replug it herself. I believe she said "Best. Thing. Ever!!" So,  whatever feels right to you of course!!!



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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2013, 15:43:28 pm »
Thank you so much again.  I am sorry I didn't respond sooner.  My DD and I have been sharing a variety of ailments and we're only back on track now!  DS's NW is somehow worse than ever...  Friday night I tried the shhh/pat when he woke.  The night was rough and I don't think I had ever heard him cry so much.  This was WITH his paci.  I just wonder if he was very sensitive to me not being well?  I was trying to console him while not being too cuddly since I didn't want him to get sick as well.  Then, after our rough night, he had the best night's sleep he ever had on Saturday night.  Down at 7:00, woke within a half hour and needed to be resettled (I let him have the paci, but gently removed it as he feel asleep, gave it back when he rooted for it, and so on).  Took 4 or 5 attempts, but then he fell asleep until 1am.  Was up from 1 - 2 and needed some shh/pat (actually, shh/head rub). Did the same thing with the paci... and then slept from 2 until 5 at which point I fed him.  He resettled and went back to sleep from 6 until 7:30.  I hadn't had a night with two stints of 3 hours of sleep since I don't know when!  I would love to say that this was a success story, but Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights we was up EVERY HOUR.  I thought it was a paci thing, but sometimes he resettled if I touched his head!  Have I become the prop?  Other times he seemed so desperate to suck something he tried latching on to my hand!  I don't think? he's hungry because on those occasions, as soon as he gets the paci, he passes out.  Whereas at 5ish, if I attempt to give him the paci he wants nothing to do with it.  Hmmm...  Last night was slightly better... he got a couple of 1.5-2 hour sleeps, but what is the deal?  Any thoughts?  Should I post for help in the prop board...?

Offline nevinsmama

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Re: Please help. 5 month old - short naps and multiple night wakings
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2013, 18:09:41 pm »
How are you getting along? Have you had any luck with him practicing to replug the paci himself? Or have you chosen to ditch it?Just checking in, no hurry to respond...:)

