Author Topic: Routine for 8 week old  (Read 753 times)

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Offline Susanne1318

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Routine for 8 week old
« on: January 09, 2013, 18:09:49 pm »
Please help, I can't seem to get into a routine with my 8 week old!

He is a big baby weighing almost 141bs, he was 91bs,2ozs when born. He was breast fed for the first 4 weeks I then started to introduce formula and since 7 weeks he has had formula for all feeds. Initially he was on Aptimal 1 and was going between 4-5.5 hour stretches through the night, he started to get a little colicky so I changed his milk to Aptimal comfort at 6 weeks. The comfort milk doesn't seem to be doing allot for his colic so I'm considering going back to aptimal 1. I have also noticed since he has been on comfort milk he wants feeding every 2.5-3 hours rather than 4 and wants 6-7ozs rather than 5-6ozs. On Monday he got through 45ozs of milk!

I really don't feel as though I'm in any sort or routine with him and that I've gone backwards as he now sometimes wakes for food every 2.5 hours in the night rather than 5.5 hours like he was. I know this could be down to the milk he is on but I'm not sure if he could be overtired possibly?

From today I've started to give him a few ounces of water in between feeds to top him up to see if this helps things.

I would really like to know what other mums day and night time routines are for a similar aged babies, how many naps and for how long should be be having through the day? Should I keep him awake for a few hours before his bedtime so he sleeps better? Should I be doing cluster feeds/dream feeds, if so when and how many ounces?

What time is good bedtime, should I do bath bottle bed routine???

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Routine for 8 week old
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2013, 20:54:17 pm »
I dont know about bottle feeding but that does sound like a lot of milk for such a little one. Are you sure that he's not crying because he's tired or uncomfortable instead of hungry?

At this age, he shouldn't be awake for more than about 1hr15-20mins, and he may need less than that. So feeding 3hrly that will be something like
7am awake and feed
8.15am nap
10am awake and feed
11.15am nap
1pm awake and feed
2.15pm nap
4pm awake and feed
5.15pm catnap to 6pm
6pm bath/bed routine
6.30pm feed
7pm asleep in bed
10.30pm dreamfeed