Author Topic: 9.5 month nw-not sure what to do  (Read 778 times)

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Offline Sarsheep

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9.5 month nw-not sure what to do
« on: January 10, 2013, 05:19:17 am »
My little one can and has sttn, Christmas was tricky at my parents so he had his paci a bit in the night etc, on returning he seemed to wake once a night I'd pop it in and he'd go straight back to sleep. He doesn't have it for naps, during day it to fall asleep. I decided at beg of wk it was maybe becomin a prop as he woke at same time each night so we took it away, first night he cried for two hours on and off, next night didn't wake at all, now we're on our fourth night of waking :-( and crying-it's not a constant hard cry it's a moan then a cry then he stops then starts. I think there may be a teeth issue too as he still doesn't have any and his gums are rock hard! I feel completely list like u don't know what to do or why he us waking/crying.
His routine is
A-7 ish
E 7 then breakie ( he eats a lot if solids)
9 go fo a walk and he has about 30-45 mins nap in pushchair( not sure if I should make this nap more structured???
11:30 lunch
1:30 milk
2-sleep I wake at 4( recently he's been tired earlier so put him down at 1:30-4)
5 tea
6:20 bath
6:40 bottle
7 bed

Any ideas?? Tips, I'm super tired and struggling and he is also
Thank you

Offline Erin M

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Re: 9.5 month nw-not sure what to do
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 03:24:13 am »
I'd say your first nap is probably too early, which is why it's short.  Then with your second A time being over 4 hours, he has to be OT before he goes down for that nap, which probably messes with that. 

If you want to continue taking a walk with him each day (who wouldn't, it helps us all to get out!), I'd either do it earlier so he doesn't fall asleep or do it closer to 10:30/11 so he'll take a (hopefully) longer nap after a more age appropriate A time (which would be about 3-4 hours for a baby his age).  Or, if he does a shorter nap, I'd put him down earlier for that second nap. 

With regard to teeth, have you tried medicating at all?  Do you notice any difference?  The cry you describe sounds like it could be discomfort to me. 

Offline Sarsheep

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Re: 9.5 month nw-not sure what to do
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2013, 07:17:14 am »
Thanks for replying-I used to stay in so he could nap in the am and he will take a longer nap if at home-just re read my post-although we go out at ten he doesn't normally nap till 10/10:30-I'll take snooze shade to see if it'll help! I'm reluctant to stay in as his big bro ( 4 in feb) stil has a nap around 12 for an hour and if we don't get out then we'd be in all day! The night time I'm sure is pain/discomfort as it seems to come from nowhere! I used to give him paci if he woke like that as it seemed to help-but was worried he'd get reliant on it-he doesn't have it any other time-now I wonder if I'm being mean and it would help with his teeth!
He has had calpol every night this wk and woken pretty much at 1 or 2 which u guess is when it wears off-he's also coughing a lot in the night it sounds painful-and his bef was soaking wet in night with dribble, being this age and no teeth I think he's really struggling as u can see maybe 10 ready to go but they haven't yet! It's whether I should ease up on paci atm with teeth being so sore! Thanks for your time

Offline Erin M

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Re: 9.5 month nw-not sure what to do
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2013, 03:13:56 am »
It really sounds like teething pain to me, some moms have luck doing a "dream med" before they head to bed to get some more sleep out of their LOs.  He's probably ok with the paci at this point -- can he replug himself?  I'd be tempted to leave a bunch in his crib and when you come in, guide his hand in finding it and putting it in himself so he learns how to do it.

As for the first nap, I'd see if you can manage a longer one or walk earlier do he won't fall asleep -- I totally understand the need to get out!