My 16 week old DS is consuming 32 to 35 oz formula (which is the max recommended for babies up til solids start)
Has your Dr told you this? The UK guidelines are to feed to appetite and I've never come across anyone who has been told an upper limit to feed your baby. Babies are very good at self regulating and don't generally over eat, bigger babies need more calories to maintain their weight and grow.
Some 4 month olds will sleep through, most don't - have you tried a dreamfeed to see if the 1am feed gets pushed closer towards morning which should mean he doesn't wake for the 5am feed? 2 night feeds at this age are totally normal for some babies though.
If you replug the dummy and he is still niggly and doesn't settle then he is hungry.
I wouldn't give rice yet, it won't help him sleep and could well make things worse as rice is very hard to digest and could make his sleep worse. He is also too young for it really - 6 months is what they recommend for solids.
What are his naps like during the day?